So we're getting married

He's been in the Army for 14 years and has 6 years left till he retires.
I'm kinda like a new age hippie... No offense (and this is might get me in trouble with many well involved military wives)... but I've never ooooo'ed and awe'ed over the military. Or known a damn thing about the real world of the military. Honestly, I was slightly opposed to it being a person of anti-fighting/war kind of perspective. Can't we all just get along

UNTIL I got involved in this relationship. We've been together 2 years and will be married next year. I now have had my eyes opened to the "Real World" of military life. I've heard the stories (when he's willing to share.. mostly only after several beers) of his years in Iraq. I think it's the stories of how a simple pencil is like gold to the children in the area he served. New perspective and respect given.
Anyway, he's not hard core military. lol He's actually part Army, part Biker and a goofy karaoke singing gamer that collects horror "action figures" LOL
He's been stationed here in my home town for 2 1/2 years as a recruiter. His term is up in February 2012 and he will go back to active duty and be stationed I suppose where they need him unless he's lucky enough to get a location he requests.
Here's the point of this long post.
I'm 27. I have a 7 year old son with Asperger's (High Functioning Autism).
This small home town is all he's ever known and I also have been here the majority of my life. Though I'm itching to start over in a new area again. I have a very nice career that I will leave behind and my son and I will be leaving a large amount family and friends. Not to mention the great special education department of his school and a wonderful play therapist.
He and I have talked about just commuting if he gets stationed in one of the 3 locations that are within a 4 hour drive, but how long will that really work...
Any tips, stories, advice on starting this new life and how to cope with the lengthy absense of loved ones..... OR.... What if he gets orders to go over seas again...