Not Engaged Yet


I'm so glad it's Friday, I'm exhausted.  I keep thinking I'm sick but I think my allergies are just really bad.

What are your weekend plans?  Anything exciting?  Tonight I have to be at the theater, to run the box office for the theater I sit on the board of.  I have to go see some friends in another show on Saturday night.  Then the rest of the weekend will be spent with the BF cleaning out his place and unpacking more boxes and stuff.  May be Sunday we can go out for a nicer dinner or something.

Although we are less than three weeks away from our 3 year anniversary!!!! I told him to plan something this time, since I surprised him with our weekend in NYC. I wonder what he'll come up with.  I still need to get him one more smaller gift under $50 an suggestions? Sorry I'm rambling, I should be working.  I'm just so tired.



  • My bff is coming up by me from Madison. I haven't seen her since May since she lives 3 hours away. I am also taking pictures for my mom while she runs her first 5k. I am really excited for her that she is doing this.

    Sunday I have to run 20 miles (shoot me now). Itll be the furthest I have ran before. Less than one month until our Marathon, eek!


  • My cousin is getting married tonight so I'm leaving work in a couple hours to go home and get ready for that. It's about 2.5 hours from home which is pretty far but I'm really excited for the wedding and happy for her so it's all worth it :)

    Tomorrow I'm heading to the gym and then going to brunch with my BFF. I haven't seen her in a while so I'm looking forward to it. 

    Sunday I plan to clean the apartment and switch my summer stuff out for fall/winter stuff (I will shed many tears while doing this) and then I'll be watching my Eagles (hopefully) beat up on the Cardinals at 4. 

  • SO happy it's Friday....what a week.

    I get off work at 3:30 today and need to run a few errands. After that I'm doing Zumba with my good friend/neighbor. I don't really like this instructor that much but, she's growing on me.

    Saturday I'm watching my college football team play, and then going to dinner and a hockey game with my parents & BF. I may also go visit my BFF and her hubby in the early afternoon if they're up for it. They just had their first baby about a month ago so they've been pretty tired this week so I may not if they don't feel up for visitors.

    Sunday I plan on trying to catch up on my readings for school, complete a few homework assignments and then most likely clean. My apartments a disaster right now.
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  • Happy Friday, ladies.  Thank goodness...this week has been hellish at work.

    Today I'm working my tail off some more but am going to fit in Zumba at some point and grabbing a drink with a friend to catch up.

    FI's mom leaves back to India on Saturday late afternoon so we are going to spend all day Saturday with her (cooking, talking, etc.).  I'm really going to miss her but we will see her in March of next year for the wedding.  Saturday night we are probably going to have a nice dinner (maybe some candles and no TV on) for the two of us since we haven't really had that for a month while family has been staying with us.

    Sunday we are sleeping in...again, haven't done that in a while, meeting a photographer at noon, grocery shopping.  FI is then going to watch football all afternoon likely while I chop/prep food for the week.  Chopping is so relaxing for me (especially if paired with a glass of wine).  ;)
  • tonight, I get off at 4, teach a piano lesson from 5-5:30, and then have 10 minutes to get ready for a rehearsal and RD at 6.

    tomorrow I have to get up super early to get myself ready for the wedding, then head over by 8:00 to do the MOG's hair.  pictures start sometime (the bride still doesn't know what time we need to be at the church for pictures, WHAT?!) in the morning, and the wedding at 2.  the reception is short, just cake and punch.  I'm a little worried that they won't provide lunch (seeing as she still doesn't even know when the pictures start, and we got the rehearsal invite on Tuesday of THIS WEEK, this wedding ain't organized for sure!)...  so I might have H bring me lunch so I don't die of hunger while standing up as a BM.

    tomorrow is also H's birthday, so after we help clean up after the wedding we're hoping to go to the state fair and eat food.  that's what he wants to do, so okay!

    Sunday we're celebrating H's birthday with my family.  PIE.

    such a busy weekend.  I'm ready for everything to slow down, but I've been saying that for years and it never does. 
  • I'm so happy it's Friday. This week has SUCKED. I'm not selling enough at work, and am feeling the pressure from the business developer I work with. I know my performance impacts hers, but I wish she would just understand that I am working my butt off and doing everything I can to improve - her little "check-ins" just stress me out - they're not helpful in any way. 

    Also, I I really needed to hear back from a tutor I assigned to one of my students. This kid has been waiting to get started, and this particular tutor is always bad at communication. I just gave her a call to find out if she reached out to the family yet and she immediately started crying. I could hardly understand her she was crying so hard, but it sounds like her pet dog or cat was attacked and they had to put it to sleep. I'm an animal lover, so of course I felt terrible for her, but now I have no idea what to do about this student, since she's the only tutor we have in that area. SUCKS.

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  • Friday? Oh tg. It's been one of those weeks. I feel like I haven't slept this week and I could put my head down on my desk and fall asleep. Tonight I want to run, but BF has a social to go to, so I think he'll put it off. I want to work out at least 3 days this week. So we've got the social, which is at a bar I like, but I'm sure everyone will go to the nightclubs nearby-ish afterwards. Then Saturday we're going to a birthday-thing for one of BF's friends. During the day on Sat and on Sunday I have to run and study. I've got so much work to do by the end of the month, I really have to get my butt in gear.
  • Today feels weird. I slept about 11 hours last night, aided by Benadryl, so I'm all disoriented. How did I let my entire Thursday evening just disappear like that? I'm also arguing with my boss this morning, so I just want today to pass as quickly as possible.
  • Friday is the beginning of my workweek, boo!
    I had to go to urgent care yesterday and was in there 3 hours. I had a mildly infected ingrown toenail and I just wanted antibiotics, but I guess it was worse than I thought. They had to cut off half of my toenail and bandage me up. I have to say, feeling a needle slide through your toe is a little horrendous. Then I got a Tetanus booster, so now it feels like I had my toenail ripped off while I was in a fight. Blargh.
    My weekend is thus going to consist of me staying off my feet and trying to get better for school. Were gonna work with horses next week so I have to squeeze my bandaged self into a cowboy boot by next thursday.
    Danser, does he wear cufflinks? There are some AMAZING cufflinks on etsy that are super custom and cute, and most of them are under 50$.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Unfortunately he doesn't wear cuff links, he is pretty casual as is his workplace.  Thanks for the suggestion.  I'l have to keep it in mind.


  • Danser congrats on 3 years!

    Stina you can do it! Dont forget snacks on your run. Remember a marathon is just a 10k witha  20 mile warm up

    Elle I hope the benedryl fog wears off for you quick.

    This weekend I'm focusing on fundraising. I have one week left and 1200 to raise (some of which is covered I will find out from my vendors from last weekend how much).  So lots of emails and phone calls going out to those who offered earlier this season and have not come through yet.

    Tonight I have to get kidlet ready to go to her fathers, then swim 1-2 miles at the pool.

    Tomorrow starts with a 90 minute bike ride or roughly 25 miles. Then I am napping and having a 90 minute run or 10 miles. Followed by baking, and cleaning.

    Sunday FI and I are going to the Fenaissance Festival together. Ticker
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:0e29168c-b11e-41da-a5d2-add59c3a9de1Post:df97b4d4-75ba-4944-a903-e6730d14da5e">Re: TGIF</a>:
    [QUOTE]Tonight I have to get kidlet ready to go to her fathers, then swim 1-2 miles at the pool. Tomorrow starts with a 90 minute bike ride or roughly 25 miles. Then I am napping and having a 90 minute run or 10 miles. Followed by baking, and cleaning. Sunday FI and I are going to the Fenaissance Festival together.
    Posted by dewingedpixie[/QUOTE]

    Wow!  That is a lot of working out.  Good for you. 

    Do you mean the Renaissance Festival?  If so, I love those.  Do you dress up at all?
  • In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:0e29168c-b11e-41da-a5d2-add59c3a9de1Post:a1ae4b25-d00c-4745-8f9a-76064fef80d2">Re: TGIF</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: TGIF : Wow!  That is a lot of working out.  Good for you.  Do you mean the Renaissance Festival?  If so, I love those.  Do you dress up at all?
    Posted by minskat30[/QUOTE]

    Yes I cant spell :D. This weekend is Celtic weekend. Fiance and I are going in kilts!  I also like to dress up for pirate weekend, and I have a really slick pair of boots from Son of a Sandlar that I wear most of the time when we are up there.

    The working out is because I'm just about 3 weeks away from a half iron triathlon. I'll have a couple of weeks down after that and then start half marathon training for February and April. Ticker
  • Congrats Danser!   I hope he thinks up something fun :)  Does he play video games?  A new game perhaps?  


    TPF- That sounds really painful, I am sorry.


    I am also glad it's Friday, kind of.  We have had people over every night since Wednesday and this will continue till Sunday.  Except it's worse because my in laws are coming tomorrow.  H's mom is SUPER picky about clean apartments and everything has to be perfect because she is really critical.  So I am dreading Saturday because I will have to clean like a mad woman all day to get everything ready.  Who knew cleaning a tiny 550 sqft apartment could take so long?  


    I am also not feeling very good today which makes me sad because I think I am going to have to cancel on my friends to go check out a park :(  This is my last week before school starts and I kind of can't wait for it to begin.  I am so bored; I have been reading my text's books.  

    "Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained"-C.S. Lewis

    Married! May 27th, 2012

  • Hi Raven,

    Actually I did get him a new video game that came out as part of his gift. I also got him a new necklace while we were away.  I was hoping to add on one more smaller thing, it won't be a big deal if I don't find something though.  I set up skype now, we can chat now. :-)


  • This week at work has been hellish. I'm so glad I'm off this weekend!
    My grandparents are taking FI and I out to dinner, then we have a bridal expo on Sunday. I've never been to one of those things but I think it'll be interesting at least!

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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: TGIF</a>:
    [QUOTE]Congrats Danser!   I hope he thinks up something fun :)  Does he play video games?  A new game perhaps?     <strong>TPF- That sounds really painful, I am sorry</strong>.   I am also glad it's Friday, kind of.  We have had people over every night since Wednesday and this will continue till Sunday.  Except it's worse because my in laws are coming tomorrow.  H's mom is SUPER picky about clean apartments and everything has to be perfect because she is really critical.  So I am dreading Saturday because I will have to clean like a mad woman all day to get everything ready.  Who knew cleaning a tiny 550 sqft apartment could take so long?     I am also not feeling very good today which makes me sad because I think I am going to have to cancel on my friends to go check out a park :(  This is my last week before school starts and I kind of can't wait for it to begin.  I am so bored; I have been reading my text's books.  
    Posted by ravenray[/QUOTE]

    <div>Its ok, thanks for the sympathy haha!</div><div>Your MIL sounds awful, Im sorry you have to deal with that! I felt the same way about school when I was waiting for it to begin. Now Im 4 weeks in, and feeling like I would give anything for a break!</div>
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Danser- Haha ok.  Um any cool tools that he wants? Or magazine subscription? Yes!  Send me your skype names on FB and we can set up a time! 

    TPF- Eh she isn't that bad but sometimes...haha.  I miss school though, now that I am at a new school the wait is killing me for class to start.  I've been out of class for 4 months!!  I want to learn!!!!!!!


    "Love is not affectionate feeling, but a steady wish for the loved person's ultimate good as far as it can be obtained"-C.S. Lewis

    Married! May 27th, 2012

  • Hi.  I've been off causing a ruckus on other boards all day.

    Are we sure it's Friday?  It really feels like Monday.  And if that's actually the case, kill me now.  I've been the least productive person today - I have the attention span of a gnat.  And I'm pretty sure you could teach a fly to perform in a flea circus in the amount of time I've spent doing nothing today.  Which is dumb because I have work to do.

    Tomorrow the boys are having a party.  I don't know how I feel about it, but I'm making jalapeno poppers anyways.

    Sunday M and I are going to the zoo.  Because we're fantastically awesome.  And I've been bugging the shite out of him about it for months.
    I french with my man
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • Today was my day off, so I went to the chiropractor, had a massage, had a facial, ate lunch with Daddy, got my brows threaded and bought new clothes. Tonight I will go to the symphony (clicky for info about tonight's performance).

    Tomorrow we're going to go see The Master with my parents -- we're pretty excited because it's pretty damning toward Scientology! We're also going to go to dinner and to our favorite used bookstore.

    Sunday I'm not gonna do anything but go to yoga.

  • I didn't even realize it was Friday already. :( I still have two sections of math homework to do, plus a math test. I also have my spanish quiz to do and an essay to write for my linguistics class. SO much to do. I will be working a lot next week since my manager is taking vacation time. 
    "You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you." -Ray Bradbury 
  • Hi ladies, it sounds like everyone has had one hell of a week, I hope the weekend is better and you all get a chance to relax.

    It doesn't really matter to me that it's friday cause I have to work this wknd, but only til 3p. At our staff meeting today, I got employee of the month and get a $25 gift card. I also have to do my annual eval with my program manager tmrw, so hopefully that goes well.

     My BF is in Vegas with his dad, brother, cousin, uncle and grandfather, for his grandfather's 90th bday.  I told him to win us some money and he joked that he might come back with a little blue box and I told him that while he's doing that, he might as well stop by the louis vuitton store, lol!  Oh and btw, yesterday was my sister's bday and her husband got her an authentic louis vuitton bag, so yay for her!  And I thought it was kind of funny that I had just mentioned the above convo to my sister and then she sends me a pic of her new purse.
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  • TGIF --> KUI? I think so!
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  • I had lunch with some friends today and am trying to finish up my costumes. I'm making a Mary Poppins hat right now. I have rehearsal for the next six days in a row as our show is just over a week away.
  • I definitely feel like KUI. I just did the first day of Level 1 of 30 Day Shred and omg it's so hard! I'm unfit to start with but ugh I can barely do two push ups. That was the hardest bit. But I had to do the easy version of everything. Time for a shower, then dinner I think. Hopefully get some drinking time in soon.
  • Drink your way through the pain, fizzy!
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