GRR!! Ok, so ANOTHER friend got engaged over the weekend. And while I'm so excited for her, I'm also so jealous of her

(I also think they are silly to be engaged right now, but that's neither here nor there.) The thing is, I don't even want to be getting married right now, I'm thinking maybe in about 2 years. But as some of you know, BF isn't keen on marriage, so it's like a giant reminder every time someone else gets engaged. Most days, I'm totally ok with it; I love him, more than I love the idea of getting married. It's just days like today when I get all jealous, then I feel bad. Esp in this case, because she is a very dear friend. /RANT. I have another friend who is kind of in the same boat as me. Her BF just doesn't want to get married for nearly a decade, and that's killing her. We rant together, but I still feel bad about it.