Throw out your engagement chicken recipes! Give back the credit card that you secretly stole! Halt your unwarranted and unsanctioned planning! The secret to getting the shiny was always in the fickle and stubborn nature of your men. Think about it. We women have known for centuries that reverse psychology was a deadly weapon in our arsenal. Why have we never thought to apply it to our most obsessive, life-altering event is beyond me. For example: Boy: Siiiigh, wedding talk again? Girl: Actually honey, I thought long and hard about it. I realized that we are WAY too young, too unstable, too unready for this drastic committment. I was hoping we could put the whole thing off indefinatly, or at least for another 6 or 7 years. Boy: sputtergaspwha? No no no. Darling, you are the only one I want. We must go to the jewelry store NOW. Girl: Well...if you're SURE that's what you want... The end.