Not Engaged Yet

So...I cheated

and I went out dress shopping tho I haven't been proposed to yet (bahahahaha). I was out to dinner with the man of my dreams and he planted some hints as to when I might expect it, but no ring yet and I'll continue to try to be patient and wait for the right moment to present itself.But for now, I have been bad *grin*. I went out and looked just "casually" at somen dresses and found THE one I want. Wanted to share with it with you guys. Thanks for reading :)

Re: So...I cheated

  • arixanaarixana member
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    edited December 2011
    It's beautiful!I understand the temptation......I for one have pretty much planned the entire wedding. Venue, photographer, wedding planner, colours, etc are all chosen. The dress, well I've been tempted to enter the store, but I have managed to resist so far!When did he say you can expect it? For me, I know it's coming at Christmas time. We'll be on a trip at that time and he states he'll do it then.
  • edited December 2011
    It's pretty but I think it would be too much dress for me.  What was it like walking around in it?
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  • edited December 2011
    He keeps hinting the holidays but there is way to know with this man, I'm hoping for sooner but who knows *GRIN* I didn't get to walk in it :(  I bought it online. I unfortunately have a limited budjet for the wedding so after making only 1 trip to a store, I realized that I would have to resort to a dress online. I ordered it last night and will be trying it on and returning it right away if I end up feeling it's not the one. I really wish I had the chance to try it on. I'm really ahead of the game so I'm hoping(god forbid) this one ends up really not working out the way I'm hoping, I'll return it and look for a different one. I'm going to keep my fingers crossed tho :)
  • edited December 2011
    I would suggest (if the one you already ordered doesn't work out) going into stores and trying on dresses of different necklines and cuts.I never would have guessed that a V-neck that was fitted all the way down to my hips would look so great on me. I always expected to like a scoop neck ballgown. However, as short as I am, I drown in a ballgown.I don't know what your budget is like, but David's Bridal runs $100 gown sales all the time. The dress I found is on sale for $430 at Alfred Angelo.I really think that trying several different things on is important when it comes to finding a dress.
  • edited December 2011
    It's very pretty. Did you get to try it on, too?? :)
  • zipis1zipis1 member
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    edited December 2011
    Soooo...I'm usually a lurker, but I just have to ask if you got that at There's a dress that I really really love there (obviously I've been cheating too), but I just wasn't sure about ordering from them. So if it is from them, do let us know how it goes!

  • PMeg819PMeg819 member
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments 500 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    That is ugly as sin. What if he doesn't propose for a while, and then the wedding is like 2 years later and your tastes change?
  • jessjo04jessjo04 member
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    edited December 2011
    Are you Mormon?
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  • edited December 2011
    Wait a second here... you didn't just go looking, but you actually *bought* a dress before you are engaged? Online, without ever really trying dresses on? Please please please tell me that your BF at least knows you've bought a wedding dress.
  • edited December 2011
    What are you going to do with this when he doesn't propose? Or if he does, but you have gotten so fat with avoidant eating that you don't fit into it anymore??
  • edited December 2011
    Really?! "I have been bad *grin*" Double really?! You are being quite the opposite of patient. You are only cheating yourself, so do as you want. Casually looking at dresses is a big hop, skip and a jump away from BUYING one online that you haven't even tried on. And ditto, Pmeg.
  • edited December 2011
    I forgot to add in the part about getting engaged before you follow my advice. And the part about how buying a dress before you are engaged is.... umm... how can I say this nicely? A little bit on the "whack" side of the "patient" spectrum.I am also curious as to whether your BF knows you bought it... and I would also like to say that my BF kept hinting at the proposal as well. It still took him 3 years after he first started talking about it to actually do it.
  • edited December 2011
    Jeana's post reminded me that my FI also started hinting about an engagement more than a year before it happened.  It would be different if you knew your FI had the ring and was waiting for the right moment. Geez, just because our advice to Acro was to go try on dresses before the proposal does not, I repeat, *does not* mean that it is generally okay to shop for and BUY (!!!!) a dress before a proposal.  Acro's situation had a lot of extenuating circumstances.  Yours, it appears, does not.Unless, of course, you count being BSC as an extenuating circumstance.
  • edited December 2011
    Noelle, I actually did think when I read the OP that maybe because Acro had been endorsed by the NEY board, everybody else was going to think it was ok to go dress shopping before being engaged, too.Hence why I did not endorse Acro openly. I did it silently. With my brain. I think she got the message.Now look what happens, though. We're totally sending mixed messages. We need to huddle together and come up with concrete advice to give NEYs. Like, all of them. And if someone has special circumstances, we will take a vote on whether to grant an exception in the established rules.It'll be like a super-secret girl's club.
  • edited December 2011
    Hahaha.  Can we have a secret handshake? I totally thought that too, which is why I was hesistant to tell Acro to go ahead and do it. Not because I didn't understand her situation, but because I kind of figured she'd start a trend with the other wedding-crazed loonies around here.  It's like "I before E, except after C".  Acro was an exception, but definitely NOT the rule!
  • edited December 2011
    BF has had my ring for over a year (in November it will be a year and a half), and has been talking about us getting married for longer than that.  Granted, I did go try on dresses with my mom on Sunday.  But I wouldn't consider it "cheating" as BF knew about it and approved.  Just like I wouldn't consider it "cheating" that I ordered my dress yesterday.  I had lunch with BF and explained to him that the store said it'll take 4-6 months to get the dress in.  After looking on a calendar and seeing that meant my dress might come in about a week before we want to get married (doubtful, but still possible), he told me to go ahead and order it, so I went after lunch.  I know it's exciting, and I've read enough of your posts to know that your BF has hinted that your proposal is coming soon, at least by the holidays.  But unless you're planning for a shorter engagement (like my situation), there's really no need to purchase a dress before actually being engaged.  Somedays I think my own situation is quite a stretch into BSC territory and I wish whatever day BF is waiting for for his perfect proposal would hurry up and get here already, but then again BF and I are actively planning and already working on stuff together, so by a lot of people's definitions, we're already engaged.By saying that you "cheated" I get the feeling you're doing all this behind your BF's back.  If that's the case, I don't think buying a dress is the definition of being patient, sorry.  However, at this point it's bought, so I guess the only thing I can really say is:  Good luck, I hope it's what you want it to be.As an aside, if you found it in the store while you were out looking, why didn't you ask to try it on?  At least then you'd know that you like it instead of just hoping you will. 
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  • edited December 2011
    Also, I hope you read the fine print of whatever order form you used regarding returns, etc.  Granted I ordered my dress through a store, but there are no returns, refunds, etc. unless (obviously) the dress comes in and is not the ordered dress or the right size or something.  Again, it's too late now, but I hope you don't get stuck with a dress you don't love because you can't return it.  Might want to double check it and if there's no returns policy, try and cancel the order before they ship it out and charge your card.  Good luck.Oh, and Noelle and Jeana, I appreciate being the exception.  I hope you still love me, even though BF and I ordered a dress without a ring.  :)
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  • edited December 2011
    After trying to hold back since my return this morning, I cannot help it. Geldings, you are the definition of BSC. Almost every single post you write makes me want to claw my eyes out while reading it. I have come very close to putting you on ignore because you seriously rub me the wrong way. Acro hit the nail on the head in referring to your use of the word "cheated." More and more I think you must be a fake. From your posts about "how exciting it is" to be so madly in love to this crazy one about buying a wedding dress without even trying it on (which would be somewhat crazy even if you were engaged.) You seem like a lovesick puppy who needs to take a step back and look at the real world. You seem more enamored with a proposal than the marriage that will follow it. Take a step back and start practicing that patience you keep talking about.
  • edited December 2011
    Mutley. You just read my mind. Everything you just said.OP. What a bad idea. My BF read this post and thought it was creepy more than anything. Enough said.
  • Sabina1313Sabina1313 member
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    edited December 2011
    el oh elI've been waiting for at least a day for someone with better snarkitude to notice this one.  Saw this one yesterday and thought it had BSC written all over it but I couldn't find the words.
  • edited December 2011
    Here's what you wrote when I posted that my bf and I were looking at venues (online, not contacting them): "I could never start looking at venues without being engaged. Maybe I'm more reserved in that department, I don't know but it always cracks me up you guys are looking at places and you aren't even engaged yet. If you have a set date then don't you think you're forcing for an engagement? I don't know, but I would find really odd to be planning ahead like that without being engaged, lol. I am super excited to know that our engagement is coming up and I honestly can't wait but I couldn't go that far ahead without the ring first lol. I'll just go back and sit in my corner..." Now you actually bought a dress? Something is not right.
  • salt78salt78 member
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    edited December 2011
    Mutley....I friggin love you. *bites tongue to hold back further comment on how I feel about said dress*
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  • edited December 2011
    Wow, Goldie. You're on a roll. I had totally forgotten about that post!Pot, meet kettle!
  • edited December 2011
    Salt, *nudge, nudge* So how DO you feel? 0:)
  • edited December 2011
    Nooooo no no. Let's not talk about the dress. I don't wanna talk about the dress. :O
  • edited December 2011
    That just tells me that you really really want to talk about the dress, but you are nicer than us.
  • edited December 2011
    but you are nicer than usOh, now. You shouldn't talk that way. You guys have always been nice to me. <3
  • edited December 2011
    I'LL talk about the dress... I think it's one of the more hideous ones I've seen.
  • edited December 2011
    [IMG][/IMG]I think... I don't like the sleeves. But hey, I am sure that this dress would look great on somebody. But somebody like me, you know, 5'3... narrow shoulders... small boobs... would be overwhelmed by it. You wouldn't see someone my size, you'd see big honkin' pile of dress.So, I dunno, I guess you can't tell until you try it on.Geldings has probably run off in the opposite direction by now, but if you're still here I would like to know what it is about this dress that you loved so much that you ordered it online without trying it on before you're engaged. I mean, everybody has different tastes, but I just don't see the fabulosity factor here. I really am honestly curious.Is it the pick-up skirt? Do you want something with sleeves? Square neckline? What's drawing you to this dress?
  • salt78salt78 member
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    edited December 2011
    Ok since Noelle already said it...yeah I think the dress is absolutely heinous. It screams Disney princess. After viewing that dress, I laughed at the fact that the OP posted a link to Offbeat Bride.
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