Last night three of my gal-pals called me in tears. One broke up with her boyfriend of 3 years, one accidentally started dating three guys and doesn't know what to tell them and who to keep seeing, and one's mom was put in rehab and all her relatives were subpoenaed to testify against her mom.
Gal #1 has been planning this for a bit, but it's still hard to break up with the guy you thought was "the one" for so long. The middle one cracks me up, she's totally oblivious to guys' advances until they suddenly start making physical moves, and then she just can't seem to say no! Naturally it's still very upsetting to her to have three guys think they've been dating her for quite some time.
The last one just makes me so mad at the system because her mom isn't an addict, she's schizophrenic. Her health insurance won't cover treatment for mental illness so she's been completely unable to get any help, and the best the legal system can offer her is rehab for a drug problem she doesn't have. I tried for a long time to help her get better health coverage, but no one would take her with her pre-existing condition. We all tried to get her committed, but because she's never been ruled mentally unfit by a doctor (because she can't afford to go) the police can't do it and she won't commit herself. Her daughter, my friend, is a psychologist but lives out of state and isn't licensed here. She's been trying for years to get a job near her mom but without any luck, and her mom can't leave the state because of her issues with the justice system. It's just all so ridiculous!
I hope the universe is nicer to everyone today!