Not Engaged Yet

I'm done for now

So, thanks to the knot and my research, I've set a tentative budget of $10,000.  I will try very hard to stick to it, but I'll make sure that FI and I put aside $12,000 just in case.

Here's what I've accomplished:

-I've found my photographer. We still need to discuss prices, but it should be doable.
- I've decided that I'm definitely going to do a private ceremony at city hall and then have a restaurant reception.  The restaurant is TBA.
-I've purchased my DIY invitations because I got them for  a steal.

And that's it.  There is no need for me to do anything else.  My wedding is too far to really think about much more.  All I need to do now is save up and focus on getting in shape.  I feel good about everything.  

Re: I'm done for now

  • edited December 2011
    congrats on getting that much done already! that time will fly by!
  • Ana_2985Ana_2985 member
    edited December 2011
    Congrats! I plan on getting married around the same time as you and I haven't done a single thing.  I have no desire to start either.
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  • edited December 2011
    Congrats on getting a plan down!  :)
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