Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Can a Justice of the Peace Marry you in a church?

We are looking to get married in a church, the church is out of town, therefore we are not using our home church. Therefore, we are paying to rent the santuary of another church closer to our reception. We could use their preacher, but we have a close family friend that is a Justice of the Peace that we would rather use. Can they marry you in a church? Is this a dumb question?

Re: Can a Justice of the Peace Marry you in a church?

  • Why not just ask your friend?

    Also you will need to make sure that it's okay with the church.
  • JoPs can't marry in all states, so check whether he's an OK officiant in general, first.

    The determining factor will likely be the church's rules, not the state's laws. So ask the church you're renting.

    Example: In California, there's 0 restrictions on location+officiant combinations in the statute books. Any kind of officiant (religious, judge, specialized PhD) can officiate wherever and whenever a wedding may take place, which is anywhere in the state, at any time of day or day of the week. But my church would never allow anyone who's not a Priest of the parish to officiate at wedding there, no matter what the State of California says.
  • Don't quote me on this but I'm pretty sure a church will not allow a JOP perform a ceremony inside.
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  • No, it's NOT a dumb question

    It would depend on two factors.  One, would the church allow it?. You will find that most college and military chapels will.  Two, it depends on the state for a JOP to marry you.  Most do.

  • First, you must ind out if the state allows it then talk to the minister at the church where you are having the ceremony. He gets to make that decision if the state allows it. I had a close friend I wanted to marry me. He was a minister who I knew from my home church. He had to meet with the minister and get formal permission.

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:10Discussion:c7cd8c07-5fb7-4fa3-94f7-421cf141bbedPost:32daec0d-1871-457e-be4b-35fc98d6aac3">Re: Can a Justice of the Peace Marry you in a church?</a>:
    [QUOTE]The church decides who may or may not perform your ceremony.  Ask them.
    Posted by CMGr[/QUOTE]


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  • I don't know about other religions but the Catholic Church (or more specifically, my Archdiocese) will only allow a preist to perform a wedding ceremony inside the church. The officiant doesn't have to be from the parish but he must be a priest.

    Check with the church.
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