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FB status you liked?

OK, I'm totally on the bandwagon of hating on FB most of the time.  But then something random pops up that gives me a giggle.

The status of a friend of a friend popped up on my newsfeed because my friend commented.  (Did you get that?)

He said: So, Egypt, now that you have your own Independence Day, you're going to need my Mom's potato salad recipe.

I thought it was cute.  Tell me something funny/cute/entertaining that you've seen.
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Re: FB status you liked?

  • bethsmilesbethsmiles member
    10000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    I actually enjoy most of my friend's FB status updates. But I've deleted everyone who isn't a good friend or family so there is less of the annoying crap that is so prevalent on FB. Usually they are random quotes from a movie or inside jokes. I've found FB becomes less and less annoying the fewer friends I have on there.

  • heyimbrenheyimbren member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:5485b63f-9c63-4537-865a-69e26d717cb6Post:21c0ab78-ce10-4be8-b628-374cc5919643">Re: FB status you liked?</a>:
    [QUOTE]I actually enjoy most of my friend's FB status updates. But I've deleted everyone who isn't a good friend or family so there is less of the annoying crap that is so prevalent on FB. Usually they are random quotes from a movie or inside jokes. <strong>I've found FB becomes less and less annoying the fewer friends I have on there.
    </strong>Posted by bethsmiles[/QUOTE]

    True story!

    I have a friend who refuses to delete people in case it makes them upset. I keep telling her that she's missing the point.
  • alanna91alanna91 member
    edited December 2011
    Facebook should have a "Liked Items" button for moments like this. I just scanned my news feed. Nothing interesting today.

    I've deleted a few people and they've tried to re-add me as soon as the next week. So, of course I accepted...
    White Knot
  • meamollymeamolly member
    Seventh Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    alanna i LOVE your puppy. my heart went awwwww when i saw it
  • bethsmilesbethsmiles member
    10000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: FB status you liked?</a>:
    [QUOTE]alanna i LOVE your puppy. my heart went awwwww when i saw it
    Posted by meamolly[/QUOTE]

    TK needs a like button for things like this. Alanna your puppy is SOOOO cute!  I just adore him!

  • sparkles88sparkles88 member
    Eighth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Your puppy is precious, Alanna! His eyes just scream "Love me!"  What kind of a dog is he?
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: FB status you liked?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: FB status you liked? : True story! I have a friend who refuses to delete people in case it makes them upset. I keep telling her that she's missing the point.
    Posted by heyimbren[/QUOTE]

    <div>You can just "hide" peple you find annoying. Then you don't have to see their FB crap and you don't make them mad by defriending them. </div>

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • Beads921Beads921 member
    1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Name Dropper Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    All the statuses today are valentines-y. Puke. I hate statuses like that every other day of the year, today is nooo different. I have a couple of friends who constantly have excellent status updates. I'm noticing that usually they are people I agree with politically. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

    Life is good today.
  • bethsmilesbethsmiles member
    10000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: FB status you liked?</a>:
    [QUOTE]All the statuses today are valentines-y. Puke. I hate statuses like that every other day of the year, today is nooo different. I have a couple of friends who constantly have excellent status updates. I'm noticing that usually they are people I agree with politically. 
    Posted by Beads921[/QUOTE]

    There was a girl I used to be FB friends with who every day after she got married she posted about how much she loved her husband. It made me gag. She is now deleted, I just couldn't handle the newlywed mushyness.

  • heyimbrenheyimbren member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:5485b63f-9c63-4537-865a-69e26d717cb6Post:0f372321-b5af-4f2b-8b3c-5c3486e96bcb">Re: FB status you liked?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: FB status you liked? : You can just "hide" peple you find annoying. Then you don't have to see their FB crap and you don't make them mad by defriending them. 
    Posted by SeaTea02[/QUOTE]

    Do you mean for me to block her or for her to block other people?
    If it's the former, the thing is she is one of my best friends ha.
    If it's the latter, it isn't that she's annoyed by them. She just wants to keep some things personal and doesn't want to share stuff with people. Which I told her you CAN do by making things extra private. For her it just seems to be all or nothing though.
  • edited December 2011
    I have nothing to say other than Alanna's puppy is the most adorable thing I have EVER seen!!!!!
    When you love someone, you can tell. When you're in love with someone, everyone else can tell.
  • luvdncn90luvdncn90 member
    edited December 2011
  • edited December 2011
    Bren I am trying to quote you but TK is all effed up again. It keeps quoting some random thread about a BM dress lost in the mail? Crazy cakes. 

    I meant the latter. 

    Daisypath Wedding tickers
  • alanna91alanna91 member
    edited December 2011
    Aww thanks everyone!!
    Her name is Quincy and she's a daschund chihuahua beagle mix.
    That blue cloud thing is her bed, but I think it's one of those pillows you use to breastfeed...we picked it up at a yard sale. Both her ears are down in this picture, but normaly one is sticking straight up while the other is down. She's such a weirdo :P
    White Knot
  • heyimbrenheyimbren member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:5485b63f-9c63-4537-865a-69e26d717cb6Post:763671db-4207-4156-9180-3ab4e8f76fed">Re: FB status you liked?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Bren I am trying to quote you but TK is all effed up again. It keeps quoting some random thread about a BM dress lost in the mail? Crazy cakes.  I meant the latter. 
    Posted by SeaTea02[/QUOTE]

    TK has been driving me crazy lately.
    Yeah, I agree with you on that one. Her reaction to FB doesn't make sense to me in this case, but it's not my life. *shrug*

    Also, I want to express my love for the puppy as wellll!
  • Wrkn925Wrkn925 member
    2500 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Hey, answer my question or get off my thread.

    Damn threadjackers with puppies that stare into your soul.
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  • PaigeMcCPaigeMcC member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    My friend Margaret always has great status'. Some recent ones:

    "Snow days should be qualified based on height, my people have struggled too long." (she's just over 5 ft.)  

    I can't wait til some of the looted Cairo Museum artifacts end up on ebay. I want a canopic jar. Preferably pre-filled."

    "is writing an opus about being in da club with some shawties"

    "Popular on the internetz..."

    Canada is kind of like a whole other world with new things to discover that us americans only dream of. - Narwhal
    Paige I would like to profess my love for you and your brilliant mind. - breezerb
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  • Wrkn925Wrkn925 member
    2500 Comments 5 Love Its
    edited December 2011
    Paige, when it snowed here last time, I stole a line from an Etsy seller:

    For Sale: Unassembled snowmen.  Half price. Plenty available.  Must pick-up.
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  • PaigeMcCPaigeMcC member
    5000 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: FB status you liked?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Paige, when it snowed here last time, I stole a line from an Etsy seller: For Sale: Unassembled snowmen.  Half price. Plenty available.  Must pick-up.
    Posted by Wrkn925[/QUOTE]

    <div>I couldn't find the like button for this;)</div>

    "Popular on the internetz..."

    Canada is kind of like a whole other world with new things to discover that us americans only dream of. - Narwhal
    Paige I would like to profess my love for you and your brilliant mind. - breezerb
    Murried Bio
  • edited December 2011
    A musician I like posted this on his Twitter a few weeks ago and it was so hysterical that I set it as my FB status:

    "Msg to the Egyptians: Dear Rioters, please do not destory the pyramids. We will not rebuild them - the Jews."

    image 170 Invited (holy crap!)

    image 98 are coming to party!

    image 29 have other plans

    image 43 need to respond!

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    "True love = I still love you even though we hang out all the time and most other people would be tired of each other already" ~ flygirlmeg
  • marleylikeairmarleylikeair member
    Seventh Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Oh, man. I'm blessed with lots of fun FB statuses. I heart my friends. (And the ones with annoying statuses get hidden.) Here's one from today, from an old roomie/good friend who currently lives in Argentina (she's studying Argentine tango and teaching English):

    "Oddest recent cross-cultural moment: trying to explain the anecdote 'The quickest way to get over one person is to get under another' to two of my teachers. I ended up using a combination of Spanish, Portuguese, English...and a lot of inappropriate hand gestures."

    Bside, love yours. :)
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