Edit: Holy Long-Post Batman! Geez!
Six days until the wedding, FI's family gets in on Thursday, I have a calc exam Friday morning and two big papers due that afternoon. I can't wait to get married, but this week sucks! Any tips from you wedding folks for surviving the last week?
This morning I woke up, was sick, fell back into bed and slept through my first class. I woke up and found that the cat had pooped on the floor and their was blood in his urine. He had also spilled his water sometime during the night. I didn't want to leave until he had peed in case he had stones again and of course having not had a drink all morning he didn't go until 12:15. My class is at 12:45 and I live 30 minutes away. Naturally I got stuck behind a civic with New Jersey plates going 20 under the speed limit- yes, it's beautiful and yes that is a deer over there, but pull the f^ck over to take pictures, some of us actually do live and work along this road!
So I run into class 10 minutes late for our two hours of peer editing. This is a class on rhetoric that I have taken at both my previous universities, but my current one makes everyone take their version of it. The kid editing my paper comes up to me after half an hour and says, "Well I didn't have anything to say about yours cuz like it seems good and I really don't know very much about writing." Cheers, skater dude, and thank you university for making me pay you $1000 to waste 40+ hours of my life retaking this godd@mn class!
Then I go over to my mom's house to finish programs. I walk in and decide to take a peek at the seating list... to find that she used a really, really old guest list and seated nearly everyone at table 6. How she and my sister both failed to notice this is beyond me, I mean, FI and most of his family aren't on the chart and my bridesmaid's name is spelled horribly wrong! I didn't think we needed this chart in the first place, and it nearly gave me a panic attack to see it butchered like that! I feel like I can't trust them to re-do, I mean it's not like they overlooked one odd misspelling here and I know they spent at least two hours arranging everything yesterday, it really just sucks for all three of us.
Finally, my mom tells me that she told my sister and my bms that they could host the bachlorette party in our hotel room. As stated previously a bajillion times I have PTSD and I need to have somewhere to retreat to. My mom, my sister, and my bms all know this and yet they refused to find somewhere else to host it when I told them it made me nervous to take away my only escape option. Also, what is FI supposed to do?
At that point I kind of lost it... but I didn't yell at anyone, I didn't have a panic attack, and some nice calculus problems calmed me right down. Hopefully I can keep all my bridezilla moments this controlled!