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Has anyone started thinking about what they're going to be this year? Any big plans for parties in the works? Or do you hate Halloween and avoid it at all costs?

Re: Halloween

  • plans.  I like Halloween, mainly because I associate it with pumpkins and fall, and it was always awesome in my mom's neighborhood because of how many people were there trick-or-treating (the city dispatches police officers to the close the roads, TV crews show up and everything it is so crazy), but my BF hates Halloween passionately, not to mention he lives in a neighborhood devoid of trick-or-treaters because, I kid you not, their parents all drive them to my mom's neighborhood.  Also, BF won't leave his house on Halloween because he's afraid of malicious intent by the older crowd, so we'll just stay home, hand out about 5 pieces of candy and maybe watch a movie.  
  • We've skipped Halloween the last few years. Last year FI did the Marine Corps Marathon that day. And the year before that, we decided to do something different and saw a local production of the Rocky Horror Picture Show (complete with costumes). :) This year, I really don't know if we'll do anything, depends if something comes up. We won't be racing (our tri is the week before) and hopefully things will have calmed down a little at Fi's school. I guess we'll see.

    I suck at Halloween because I'm the least creative person on the planet and can never come up with a good costume! But, my puppy always has a cute outfit.
    "There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." -Friedrich Nietzsche, "On Reading and Writing"
  • Aww, I wanna see pics of your pup in costume, MSU!

    I'm working on my costume already - going to try and be a zombie house wife. I have visions of showing up at a party like Lindsay Lohan does in Mean Girls and being way too scary though.
  • I love Halloween.  Even if we don't have any real plans, I usually at least have a costume of some sort.  Last year I was Quailman (from Doug); this year...  I'm not sure.  I'm still waiting for inspiration to strike.  Hope it happens soon.
  • No big plans yet, I hope so though!  BF & I never got to wear our costumes from last year, since the party got cancelled, due to snow.  So hopefully this year we will get to be Buttercup and Wesley from The Princess Bride.


  • edited September 2012
    I actually hate Halloween and avoid it at all costs. Lived in Greenwich Village in NYC and had to fight my way through the crazy parade two years in a row, so that was just icing on the cake for me. I don't like wearing a costume at a bar, and I haven't ever been to a really good Halloween party. On the other hand, I do love me some candy corn.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Halloween</a>:
    [QUOTE]No big plans yet, I hope so though!  BF & I never got to wear our costumes from last year, since the party got cancelled, due to snow.  So hopefully this year we will get to be Buttercup and Wesley from The Princess Bride.
    Posted by danser55[/QUOTE]
    Will BF dress as the Dread Pirate Roberts version of Wesley or the Farm Boy? <div>
  • I don't dress up for Halloween or go to Halloween parties but every year BF and I have a tradition of carving pumpkins while we watch Halloween movies. I love it. I look forward to it all year.

  • edited September 2012
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Halloween</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Halloween : Will BF dress as the Dread Pirate Roberts version of Wesley or the Farm Boy?  Mawwiage!
    Posted by cschiano[/QUOTE]
    Dread Pirate Roberts version, he has a great sword for it too. One of our friends better host a good halloween party and there better be no snow.


  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Halloween</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Halloween : Dread Pirate Roberts version, he has a great sword for it too. One of our friends better host a good halloween party and there better be no snow.
    Posted by danser55[/QUOTE]
    I love this!  I'll hope for no snow for you. <div>
    </div><div>Beth, your tradition sounds really fun :) </div>
  • Danser, you must post pics! I'm contemplating being Giselle from "Enchanted" but I'm not sure yet.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re:Halloween</a>:
    [QUOTE]Danser, you must post pics! I'm contemplating being Giselle from "Enchanted" but I'm not sure yet.
    Posted by leia1979[/QUOTE]<div>
    </div><div>Thanks Cshiano!  I will post pics I hope someone is having a party so we can wear our costumes.  </div><div>
    </div><div>I love that movie Enchanted!! What a perfect costume idea!



  • I LOVE Halloween! It's possibly my favorite holiday. We went all out in college decorating our house (inside and out) and always had a huge party. I actually got arrested at our Halloween party one year (in my naughty nurse costume and all, haha). Those years really reinforced my love of the whole season. 

    I love getting pumpkins, hay bales, and corn stalks for the front porch. I leave those up through Thanksgiving. We also usually decorate with purple and orange lights, a glow in the dark "skeleton" that we lay in the front yard and point a black light at (it's painted with glow stick stuff, so it lights up), and a creepy ghoul looking thing that hangs and is motion detected to make noise. I also have a ton of decorations for the inside. A ton.

    We usually either sit on the front porch with pumpkin beer and hand out candy, or watch scary movies (usually the Michael Myers Halloween movies on AMC) and get up to answer the doorbell. I grew up out in the country, so I get irrationally excited when trick-or-treaters come to our door. 

    This year, however, we're going to be on vacation from 10/22-11/3. I'm a little bummed that we're missing Halloween here, but we'll be at our condo in Florida, and I'm planning on bringing some easy decorations, and buying some candy to put out in case the kids there want to come around. There are a couple of really cute little bars near where we stay, so maybe we'll go out?
  • We are going to decorate the front of our house for the kiddies. We have a huge copper cauldron in the garage we're going to fill and do bobbing for apples in it. I'm going to dress like a witch and stir the pot, we may try to do a fog machine under it. FI is going to dress up like something terrifying. Lots of spiderwebs, and pumpkins coming our way :D. Ticker
  • I'm not big on Halloween festivities. The last time I dressed up was a few years ago and I made my own costume. This is what I was:

    This year, I have tickets to a concert on Halloween weekend, so I'll be going to that. Last year, I dressed my cats up! They weren't happy.
  • At work, we decided to do superheroes, so I'm making an Iron Man-themed dress. Rocky Horror is also a given, as we go every year.

  • I LOVE Halloween! Josh's parents always have a great halloween party. My best friend and I are going as Rizzo and Frenchie from Grease. 
    "You must stay drunk on writing so reality cannot destroy you." -Ray Bradbury 
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Halloween</a>:
    [QUOTE]At work, we decided to do superheroes, so I'm making an Iron Man-themed dress. <strong>Rocky Horror is also a given, as we go every year.</strong>
    Posted by ahstillwell[/QUOTE]
    I love Rocky Horror.  I've seen it done theaterically I had friends who used to perform with it along with the movie... I would love to do something like that.


  • Halloween will be pretty anticlimactic for me this year -- a friend's party the weekend before isn't supposed to be a costume party -- but I'm told we do dress up at work. I'm thinking of going as a simple Batgirl.
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  • I don't really love or hate Halloween. I used to dress up but haven't in a few years. I live in an apartment so I can't really decorate. I've never been to an actual Halloween party, my friends and I used to just go to the bars in the city dressed up .  

    I do enjoy candy corn and I'm obsessed with scary movies so I'm looking forward to those things :)

  • Pictures of the Paco all dressed up!
    A few years ago, I was a cop, and Paco was my prisoner.

    The year before that, we went camping and my neice and nephew dressed like pirates, so Paco had to too.

    "There is always some madness in love. But there is also always some reason in madness." -Friedrich Nietzsche, "On Reading and Writing"
  • I'm looking forward to Halloween so much! My bf's mom throws a big party with amazing decorations and everyone dresses up. There is no such thing as OTT for this party. I'm going to be Jane from the Voturi. I need to order my red contacts and robe today. The 31st will probably be boring as no one comes trick-or-treating to apartments. I'm looking out for a party we can go to though.
  • minskat30minskat30 member
    2500 Comments Fifth Anniversary 500 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited September 2012
    I love Halloween, though two years ago some idiots in my neighborhood decided to do a drive-by shooting while little kids were trick-or-treating.  Thankfully no kids were killed (though a few were seriously hurt).  I hate my neighborhood sometimes (and it is considered a "good" neighborhood by Chicago standards...not downtown or fancy like Old Town/Lincoln Park but close enough to it). 

    Think I will go up to Wisconsin and take my niece/nephew out on trick-or-treat Sunday.  On Saturday FI and I will probably go to a party as Mulder and Scully I think.  We sort of look like them already (though I'm currently blond not a redhead and FI is like an Indian-Mulder).  Our personalities match pretty dead-on, however, so we thought it would be fun.   :)
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