Since we're all bored anyway... I'm pricing options for my move. They range from UHaul-style with and without a car dolly to POD-type to full-service movers. I'm a little cheap for the full service deal, so I'm leaning towards a POD-type (through a different company though) and hiring loaders on one end (super cheap in DC).
Has anyone ever used a POD-type service? I have a few pieces of furniture that are really old. They aren't particularly valuable money-wise but have significant sentimental value. If you've done a POD, did you stuff get there safely? How did you secure furniture (i.e. tie downs, rope, etc)?
(P.S. The cube thing is cheaper than the UHaul with car dolly, even accounting for gas in the car. And it's still the same number of hours on the road!)