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The interwebz...It swallows my day whole.

When was the last time you went relatively "unplugged?" No checking your checking the internet.

How did it make you feel?
Did you feel like there was more time in the day?

This weekend I wasn't on the internet at all- nor did I check my phone much (I don't really have the internet on my phone).

And on Sunday-  for the first a really long time- I felt relaxed. Truly relaxed. It's a hard feeling to describe. It's almost like my heart was saying..."Aaah...this feels good."

I wonder if this had to do with my lack of internet usage this week.
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Re: The interwebz...It swallows my day whole.

  • I haven't unplugged in a while, and I really really really really really need to. I guess I'm in an odd spot though because I do Social Marketing for a living. It's my job, so I'm on the internet and social networking things I eat, sleep and breathe internet.

    I really want to unplug. I do. I just don't know how. I am way too connected. The first thing I do every single morning before getting out of bed is check my phone. I go through my e-mails, check TK, check FB, check in on Foursquare, and check in on TwoPeas. It's just sick.

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  • I'm not sure when the last time I was completely unplugged. I do know though that I have a love/hate relationship with my iPhone though. I was late to the smartphone party, I got a Palm Pixi last year and got an iPhone recently. Getting email on my phone is a big thing. It's necessary because of school. But because of this necessity, I feel obligated to check it everytime I get an email "ding". It's a pain.
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  • I'm pretty much unplugged on the weekends. I need it after spending all day in front of a computer.
  • Every weekend I go w/o the internet pretty much. Maybe I'll check it briefly Sunday night. And I'll check my phone a few times during the day just to see if anyone called or texted, but since I don't use my phone that often, it's usually blank. I LOVE it! I don't want internet on my phone, I like to stay disconnected. It is very relaxing!
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  • I'm pretty much unplugged on the weekends.  My phone stays in my purse the whole weekend and I don't touch my lap top.  Hahaha.... its actually nice after being at my computer at work all week.  Downside I come back on Monday and a whole bunch of convos and posts are up that I wished I could have participated in. 
  • I think I want to spend a day sometime in February when I am COMPLETELY tv, no movies, no computer...

    Just reading, cleaning, medidating, walking, cooking, crafting (no...I don't actually's something crazy...writing letters.

    What do you think? Anyone with me?
    LilySlim Weight loss tickers
  • I think the last time I completely unplugged was on a cruise FI and I took in May of 2010. It was so nice, and I wish we did that more often. I'd love to get rid of our cable service and internet service, and have our evenings to ourselves. I know I'd miss some shows, but really, most of them don't really add anything to my life, and I wish FI and I were really talking more, instead of just surface chit chat about some Dateline show.
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  • Ollie08Ollie08 member
    500 Love Its 1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited January 2012
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:7b18a134-a954-4b3c-a7b9-62986d5cab50Post:6bd3e536-6f0d-4790-95cd-857cbb6da90e">Re: The interwebz...It swallows my day whole.</a>:
    [QUOTE]I think the last time I completely unplugged was <strong>on a cruise</strong> FI and I took in May of 2010. It was so nice, and I wish we did that more often. I'd love to get rid of our cable service and internet service, and have our evenings to ourselves. I know I'd miss some shows, but really, most of them don't really add anything to my life, and I wish FI and I were really talking more, instead of just surface chit chat about some Dateline show.
    Posted by cu97tiger[/QUOTE]

    Ooooh another pro as to why that should be our summer vacation this year instead of renting a beach house like we usually do. Hmmm lots to think about!

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  • Ollie08Ollie08 member
    500 Love Its 1000 Comments Fourth Anniversary Name Dropper
    edited January 2012
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:7b18a134-a954-4b3c-a7b9-62986d5cab50Post:86b463a2-bb89-4110-a1b9-636c7aab93d3">Re: The interwebz...It swallows my day whole.</a>:
    [QUOTE]I think I want to spend a day sometime in February when I am COMPLETELY tv, no movies, no computer... Just reading, cleaning, medidating, walking, cooking, crafting (no...I don't actually's something crazy...writing letters. What do you think? Anyone with me?
    Posted by lunarsongbird[/QUOTE]

    See, now that's just a slap in the face to all of the innovators that gave us these great things! Ok, not really, but I can't imagine giving up <em>everything</em>. I'll give up the internet and phone and that will be hard enough, but no TV or movies? Whaaaaaaaaaaaat?

    On a side note, I'm actually writing FI's grandmother a letter. I've been having to talk to her via FMIL and I feel like out of respect I should send her a letter with my thoughts instead of filtering it through FMIL. Why not call you ask? Sadly, she has such a strong British accent that I can't understand her on the phone. I have to concentrate really hard when we see each other in person, nevermind the phone where I can't read lips! lol

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  • I think the last BF and I truly unplugged was when we went camping in August. I was unplugged when we went to Cincinnati for New Years but BF checked his phone and laptop constantly. He can't go 10 minutes without Internet unless we are camping (he's a software engineer and focuses on web apps so it makes sense). I can't unplug during the week because of work, but some evenings I'll just charge my phone and ignore the computer and tv. It is SO much nicer!! I do it some weekends too. I'll check stuff in the morning when I have coffee then won't touch electronics until after my shower. I tend to enjoy the unplugged days much more.

  • Prior to returning to class full time, I often spent much of the weekend relatively unplugged. I'd still use my iPhone, but not for the internet, and I wasn't on my computer. 

    Now that I'm back in class, it's almost an impossibility. I have multiple group work assignments, and everyone seems to think Sunday is the best day to have a massive email exchange. So frustrating! I'd loved being free from the web for a couple of days a week.
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    Life is good today.
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