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Too Cute

This weekend, my parents finally got to meet my BF's kids (they are 6 and 4).  It's taken so long since his kids live a few states away.  We met at Pizza Hut Saturday, and my parents fell in love with them . 

Leaving Pizza Hut, BF's daughter (4) was holding my dad's hand.  He was joking and asked "You wanna come home with me?"  The usual response for a kid just metting an adult is "NO I want my daddy/mommy".  She goes, OK!  And led him to his truck.  My dad was like, I'm going up North and she was like OK.  Needless to say, the BF went over to get her.  She SCREAMED "NO I'M GOING WITH GEORGE!"!  George being my dad's name.  She was SO ANGRY but by the time we were driving out of the parking lot she calmed down and says "I like my new friends!  When can we play again?"  It was the cutest thing EVER!  Now when she lists her friends names, my parents are included.
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