Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Fiance's daughters standing up with him

Is it alright that my fiance's daughters stand up with him rather than him having a best man?

Re: Fiance's daughters standing up with him

  • Yes, of course.
  • I think it is a great idea. I am glad that they are close.
  • I think that if they are young children -- like under 14 -- that it would be a little odd.  If they are older, great. 
  • Just personal preference - I'm not a fan of children in weddings in general, and I think a young child substituing for the best man is odd because the child cannot be a witness and sign the papers as the best man usually does.  I'm obviously in the minority here, but I thought OP might like to hear a different opinion.
  • Some states/counties don't even require witnesses, outside of the officiant. Our MOH and BM didn't have to sign a thing.
  • I think it's nice. Because to me it shows that she's standing up there supporting her dad's decision to take you as his wife & as her step mom.
  • If is something both he and she decide on, I think it's a wonderful idea. I do find "family" commitments odd when the children are middle-school age+, but standing there in support, if she agrees, is beautiful :)
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  • My Fi's sons are standing up there with him and they are 19 and16.  I think it is a great idea :)
  • My daughter is standing up for my FI  :)  It's an amazing way that SHE chose to show her support for him and us as a couple!  She's going to be 13
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:10Discussion:dc0007af-c8c7-466c-a677-f9a1ed0c6327Post:88275e2b-c8f4-4fb3-a968-9cf20f5daba6">Fiance's daughters standing up with him</a>:
    [QUOTE]Is it alright that my fiance's daughters stand up with him rather than him having a best man?
    Posted by susanh43[/QUOTE]

    If your fiance wants his daughters to stand up with him, then it is just fine.  Why wouldn't it be?  <strong>Let go of gender stereotypes</strong>.  My adult son was my best man and my only attendant.
  • Yes, definitely.  I think it sounds very sweet.
  • My Fiance's son is 10 and is standing next to him as his best man! The key part of the wedding party are having those that mean the most to you standing by your side supporting you. If it is what your Fiance wants then I say that is a wonderful memory that you all will never forget!
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