Just thought of this after reading a post below where a knottie (
ajwils04) posted pics of her new vintage e-ring with amethyst as the center stone (completely gorgeous). Then on the scrolling ads up top, saw a ring advert with a couple of colored center-stones.
As an 11 year old, I saw this catalog picture of an aquamarine ring, in sterling silver. I wanted it oh-so-badly, but didn't have a shot at the $50 to get it, so instead cut out the pic, folded it really small, and put the picture in my little jewelry box. I still have it, and still think it's a gorgeous ring, almost 20 years later.
I googled colored stones once, and apparently Aquamarine is a very fragile stone on the hardness index or whatever, where diamond is the hardest. And I knew immediately it'd be completely impractical as an e-ring because I am
very rough on my hands. So apparently that's a consideration with colored stones.
Either way, I love blue/blue-green/green stones (at least the look of them). I guess I also like my birthstone: peridot, but I've never looked anything up about it, and don't think I'd like it as a center-stone.
What colored stones have you gals seen that are just gorgeous, enough to be a center-stone, maybe even for an e-ring?