Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

No center aisle...

I am getting married in the church that my fiance grew up in (it means alot to him).. the problem is, this church does not have a center aisle. it has 3 sections of pews, so 2 aisles.. im not sure how to use them. we thought maybe only use 2  sections of the pews so there would technically be a "center" aisle, but then think it might look bad that theres an empty section? Also, someone mentioned walking up one aisle and down the other? Im just not sure what to do. Curious if anyone has any suggestions? Thanks!

Re: No center aisle...

  • My church is under construction, so I had to find another church to get married in.  A church in the next town over knew my situation and offered me their church to get married in.  I am in the same predicament as you, they don't have a center aisle.  So I am going to use all the pews and I am going to walk up one aisle and then walk down the other aisle at the end of the ceremony.
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  • I'm in the same boat as you at the opera house I'm getting married at...and I initially thought the same thing -to not use a section to create the aisle but decided against it so I am just walking up one aisle and down the other.
  • The church I grew up in is like this. The bride & bridesmaids process down the left aisle. Typically the groom and groomsmen come in from the right and don't process down the right aisle but could so you'd have the groom & attenants come down the right aisle then the bride & attendants come down the left aisle. . When they newly wed couple leave the go up the right aisle.

    The bride's friends and family site on either side of the left aisle. The groom's family sit on either side of the right aisle.

    This means the bride's parents and groom's parents share the front center pew. We've always thought that was a nice way to begin merging the two families.  The grandparents all share the center pew behind the parents.

    The center pews in our church are long so tere is plenty of room for both sets of parents in the first row, grandparents in the next pew back.  Other family/friends sit behind them.   By using both aisle, everyone gets to see the bride's dress and that's something most people want to see.

  • We got married with two aisles. The plan was to walk down the aisle one and walk out the other. But H and I weren't thinking and walked out the one I came down. It was fine.
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  • A recent wedding I was at the guys walked down one aisle the girls walked down the other. It worked out fine,

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  • We have the same thing at our wedding. We just had people sit in 2 sets. No one noticed the empty set at all. We used one to walk in and the other to walk out. Easy peasy

  • Ok. thanks everyone! That is what we were originally thinking, just wanted to double check. And the groomsmen walking up one aisle and the bridemaids walking up the other aisle is a good idea too :) thanks
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