Wedding Vows & Ceremony Discussions

Aisle question?!?!

I am going to have a swirl design of roses going down the aisle for the ceremony and two topiary bushes at the front of the aisle. Was thinking of tieing ribbon from each topiary and roping off the entrance to the aisle so the roses aren't walked on until the bridal party goes down the aisle. Is this bad etiquette? Is it okay if the guests go around the outside and find a seat? Thoughts?

Re: Aisle question?!?!

  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:10Discussion:e32106d5-dc3b-42a9-83eb-afdf796e72c0Post:30f36b5e-a9f7-46f5-a1b6-e0f95def5f4a">Aisle question?!?!</a>:
    [QUOTE]I am going to have a swirl design of roses going down the aisle for the ceremony and two topiary bushes at the front of the aisle. Was thinking of tieing ribbon from each topiary and roping off the entrance to the aisle so the roses aren't walked on until the bridal party goes down the aisle. Is this bad etiquette? Is it okay if the guests go around the outside and find a seat? Thoughts?
    Posted by Kyhia[/QUOTE]

    I've never been to a wedding that did this but I have heard that it it is okay and it's not bad etiquette. It's common at a lot of weddings. I say go for it!
  • I think it's fine. I'd consider having more ushers to help the guests, and make sure people go around the sides. And obviously, make sure there's enough room, and it's easy to navigate around it.
  • We did this at my wedding - roped off the entrance to the aisle so no one walked on the runner before the wedding party came in. It worked out just fine. :)
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