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I figured that since I got all, or at least most, or my newbiness out yesterday, it would be nice to start fresh with an introduction post. I read the by-laws and learned that these can be kind of hit-or-miss, but I saw a couple others do it just recently, and after getting off on the wrong foot yesterday (again, SORRY about the signature. That was exceedingly dumb on my part), I'd like to tip-toe back into your good graces and try to prove that I do have my head on straight... sometimes.

I'm a 22 year old college senior living with my boyfriend in Green Bay, Wisconsin. I'm an English major with a double emphasis in literature and creative writing (which means I'm just twice as unemployable as I normally would be), and Andre is working on getting his Journeyman electrician license. We're both finished with school in May. Just recently, as in, just a couple days ago, Andre told me he was going to go shopping for an engagement ring, and he went on a mysterious shopping trip with his mom this morning and was very clear that I was not invited. His buddy Zach accidentally let slip that he was going to be looking for a ring, but masterfully recovered and said "Uh, and by ring, I mean a new truck."  So that's why I find myself here on this board. I hope I didn't come across as too much of a beebee or BSC yesterday! :(

New person interview preguntas:
Mojitos: Aaah... *drool*. Love. I actually got kicked out of my first bar when I was 19 because I asked the bartender for a mojito, so he instantly knew I was underage.
Margaritas: On the rocks.
Cheap wine: I like to think of myself as a wino-in-training. I know what kind of wine goes with what kind of food and et cetera. I think I'm too pretend-pompous to actually admit that I enjoy cheap wine.
Mac & Cheese: With hot dogs! :D
Ice rinks: I used to play hockey.
Cheese: I'm from Wisconsin. My dad drives milk truck for a creamery. I live in Green Bay. My mom dressed my little sister up as a wedge of cheese for Halloween one year. Yes.
Buttons: Snaps are easier to undo in the heat of the moment ;D

Re: Maybe?

  • J&K10910J&K10910 member
    10000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    ARE YOU A PACKERS FAN?!  Oh please, please be a Packers fan!

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Maybe?</a>:
    [QUOTE]ARE YOU A PACKERS FAN?!  Oh please, please be a Packers fan!
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]
    Yes. But mostly a Donald Driver fan. :D
  • edited December 2011
    Do you have a wisconsin accent?

    oh how i adore wisconsin accents.
  • edited December 2011
    I think the issue yesterday was that you popped up during a BSC $hit storm, normally you probably wouldn't have received such a response.

    Welcome to the board, looking forward to having you contribute. :-)
    image image image image 
    "but you're SO FUNNY, button! you're so funny i kind of want to crawl into your skin and wear it as my own. " - NarwhalYou, my dear, are the Queen of the Beebees. Here's a tiara - Oceana 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Maybe?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Do you have a wisconsin accent? oh how i adore wisconsin accents.
    Posted by Narwhal[/QUOTE]
    I can't say "Wisconsin" to any non-Wisconsin resident without them cracking up. It's horrible. I used to want to be a news broadcaster when I was younger, then had to give that dream up when I couldn't drop the exaggerated vowel sounds.
  • zaneopalzaneopal member
    edited December 2011
    Haha you English majors get a bad rap, but there will be something out there for you. Or at least this is what I keep telling my roommate (English, but with a technical writing emphasis) when she starts getting the oh my gosh I won't have a job panic. We graduate in May too. It's getting so close!
  • J&K10910J&K10910 member
    10000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Maybe?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Maybe? : Yes. But mostly a Donald Driver fan. :D
    Posted by chickadeedeedee[/QUOTE]

    You're good in my book :)

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • edited December 2011
    Hello Wisconsin!

    Have you thought about teaching?
    TTC since 07/11 Me: 32 AO PCOS/DH: 32 Lowish count/motility IUI#1-3 = BFN (Clomid, Clomid-->Femara, Injects) IVF#1 ER on 9/24 19 ER/19 M/9 F w/ICSI Transferred a 5AA and a 5BB on 9/29 Beta 10/9 = 139 Beta 10/11 = 287
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  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Maybe?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Hello Wisconsin! Have you thought about teaching?
    Posted by notquiteblushing[/QUOTE]
    I started as an English education major, actually, and then I got a job as a classroom assistant at an elementary school. Working tha closely with a teacher in the Wisconsin public school system made me realize how much work the public schools need and how much help they need from the state government before I could ever get a job I'd be happy with. I'm thinking about getting my Waldorf education certification in a couple years so I can teach at Waldorf schools, but I don't want to be involved in the Wisconsin public school system.
  • edited December 2011
    Oh how exciting!

    Do you say "you betcha" and "dont cha know?"

    I'm from SC... I say just about every southern saying, except "ain't." that gets under my skin.
  • J&K10910J&K10910 member
    10000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Maybe?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Oh how exciting! Do you say "you betcha" and "dont cha know?" I'm from SC... I say just about every southern saying, except "ain't." that gets under my skin.
    Posted by Narwhal[/QUOTE]

    People from WI don't talk like that.  Neither do people from MN.  Common misconception.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Maybe?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Oh how exciting! Do you say "you betcha" and "dont cha know?" I'm from SC... I say just about every southern saying, except "ain't." that gets under my skin.
    Posted by Narwhal[/QUOTE]
    "You betcha" and "dont cha know" are pretty archaic, actually. A lot of my grandpa's friends still talk like that. Some more common phrases are "Well, I s'pose..." when you're about to get off the phone and ending EVERY. SINGLE. STATEMENT. in a preposition, such as, "Where did you leave the keys at?" and "Do you want to come with?" The eastern half of the state, where I live now, says "bubbler" instead of "drinking fountain," but the western half, where I grew up, thinks that's ridiculous.
  • bethsmilesbethsmiles member
    10000 Comments Sixth Anniversary 500 Love Its First Answer
    edited December 2011
    I used to be an English major, but I changed it to communications last semester. You seem cool to me yesterday was just crazy on this board, thus why I didnt really post anything. Your bf's buddy sounds like my bf's buddys, they are just the masters and smooth (not). welcome to the boards tho :)

  • edited December 2011
    Aww. That's kind of disappointing.  I know someone from Wisconsin, and she never says that stuff either. Haha.
  • J&K10910J&K10910 member
    10000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    Sorry to disappoint, Narwhal.  Do you say "Bless your heart" all condescendingly when people are being dumb?  Because that's my favorite phrase that I've picked up from my southern TK friends!

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Maybe?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Buttons: Snaps are easier to undo in the heat of the moment ;D
    Posted by chickadeedeedee[/QUOTE]

  • loopy82loopy82 member
    Ninth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:c9d63223-e70b-4ac4-a9a9-77f17fe5e48aPost:a17c4411-0523-4bc6-abf5-0c5e9ad38b26">Re: Maybe?</a>:
    [QUOTE]ARE YOU A PACKERS FAN?!  Oh please, please be a Packers fan!
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]

    I won't allow it!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPic
  • J&K10910J&K10910 member
    10000 Comments Fourth Anniversary 25 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Maybe?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Maybe? : "You betcha" and "dont cha know" are pretty archaic, actually. A lot of my grandpa's friends still talk like that. Some more common phrases are "Well, I s'pose..." when you're about to get off the phone and ending EVERY. SINGLE. STATEMENT. in a preposition, such as, "Where did you leave the keys at?" and "Do you want to come with?" The eastern half of the state, where I live now, says "bubbler" instead of "drinking fountain," but the western half, where I grew up, thinks that's ridiculous.
    Posted by chickadeedeedee[/QUOTE]

    Fuckin' right I say bubbler!

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • bajedivabajediva member
    edited December 2011
    alrighty, chickadee(x3)!  nice to have you join our crazy party. this one's on me as a welcome token, but after this, you buy your own::::::

  • yellowroseFRAyellowroseFRA member
    100 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    Hi chickadee! BF's name is Andrei too! Well, anyway it is pronounced the same as Andre. My bachelor was in English, and there will be things for you to do, especially if you are open to going to grad school. Anyway, being well-read is something you can enjoy for a lifetime.

    J&K - my folks say "bless your heart" all the time. I love how as long as you start out by saying bless his/her heart, you can then say the meanest things imaginable and its still ok. LIke, "bless her heart, she is a total slut" or "bless his heart, he is dumber than a fencepost"Smile
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:c9d63223-e70b-4ac4-a9a9-77f17fe5e48aPost:f7d98979-cad8-4453-8424-935c635d79b6">Maybe?</a>:
    [QUOTE]ICheese: I'm from Wisconsin. My dad drives milk truck for a creamery. I live in Green Bay. My mom dressed my little sister up as a wedge of cheese for Halloween one year. Yes.
    Posted by chickadeedeedee[/QUOTE]

    Welcome! Sorry about the crazy yesterday but I'm glas I missed it. The comment about your sister made my day. I'd love to see a picture of a kid as a wedge of cheese.
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Maybe?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Sorry to disappoint, Narwhal.  Do you say "Bless your heart" all condescendingly when people are being dumb?  Because that's my favorite phrase that I've picked up from my southern TK friends!
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]

    Haha I just had a conversation about this in another post. Yep, I sure do. That's southern charm for you... you can say whatever you want about someone, and if you say "bless her heart" afterwards, its perfectly acceptable and even rather nice.  For example: "She's the biggest slut I've ever met.. bless her heart."  :)

    I also say it when I'm being sincere though, like if something bad happens to someone I will throw in a "oh bless your heart..."
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Maybe?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Maybe? : I won't allow it!
    Posted by loopy82[/QUOTE]

    image image image image 
    "but you're SO FUNNY, button! you're so funny i kind of want to crawl into your skin and wear it as my own. " - NarwhalYou, my dear, are the Queen of the Beebees. Here's a tiara - Oceana 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • zaneopalzaneopal member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Maybe?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Sorry to disappoint, Narwhal.  Do you say "Bless your heart" all condescendingly when people are being dumb?  Because that's my favorite phrase that I've picked up from my southern TK friends!
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]

    Haha we actually had a conversation about this in my lit class yesterday (woohoo general education requirements--though I do like this class).

    And like everyone else said, saying "Bless you/his/her heart" makes anything you say after okay, such as "Bless his heart, he is dumber than a bag of hammers".
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Maybe?</a>:
    [QUOTE]alrighty, chickadee(x3)!  nice to have you join our crazy party. this one's on me as a welcome token, but after this, you buy your own::::::
    Posted by bajediva[/QUOTE]
    Eff yes. :D
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:c9d63223-e70b-4ac4-a9a9-77f17fe5e48aPost:3b8f8f04-9ea3-4d62-a530-483d8adefc17">Re: Maybe?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Sorry to disappoint, Narwhal.  Do you say "Bless your heart" all condescendingly when people are being dumb?  Because that's my favorite phrase that I've picked up from my southern TK friends!
    Posted by J&K10910[/QUOTE]

    Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha...I used to hear that <em>all the time</em> when I lived in SC.

    ::turns on southern accent:: "Did you hear about Mary Lou? She done got herself pregnant by that good-for-nuthin boyfriend of hers, then got herself arrested for publix intoxication. Bless her heart!"

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    "Oceana swings from logical to anus punching." - Buttons

    Planning / Married / Blog

  • zaneopalzaneopal member
    edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Maybe?</a>:
    [QUOTE]::turns on southern accent:: "Did you hear about Mary Lou? She done got herself pregnant by that good-for-nuthin boyfriend of hers, then got herself arrested for publix intoxication. Bless her heart!"
    Posted by oceana919[/QUOTE]

    ...there goes the sobe...
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href="">Re: Maybe?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Maybe? : Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha...I used to hear that all the time when I lived in SC. ::turns on southern accent:: "Did you hear about Mary Lou? She done got herself pregnant by that good-for-nuthin boyfriend of hers, then got herself arrested for publix intoxication. Bless her heart!"
    Posted by oceana919[/QUOTE]

    hahaha Publix intoxication.

    Where'd you live in SC?
  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Topic Wedding BoardsForum:136Discussion:c9d63223-e70b-4ac4-a9a9-77f17fe5e48aPost:7a65534b-2255-4e9e-ab3c-7c4ac98d7b31">Re: Maybe?</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Maybe? : hahaha Publix intoxication. Where'd you live in SC?
    Posted by Narwhal[/QUOTE]

    LOL...can you tell I gave up coffee for Lent?

    I used to live in Charleston, SC...went to CofC (GO COUGARS!) for undergrad.

    Image and video hosting by TinyPic

    "Oceana swings from logical to anus punching." - Buttons

    Planning / Married / Blog

  • paintgirlpaintgirl member
    1000 Comments Third Anniversary
    edited December 2011
    You live in Wisconsin, freezing your *ss off. How straight can your head possibly be?? :) Welcome. Humping lion guy is way better small.

    Your future brother-in-law gets the Mr. Smooth award for the day! Nice work on that one!

    Baje - what's with the free liquor today?? And how do I sign up for one?
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