I figured that since I got all, or at least most, or my newbiness out yesterday, it would be nice to start fresh with an introduction post. I read the by-laws and learned that these can be kind of hit-or-miss, but I saw a couple others do it just recently, and after getting off on the wrong foot yesterday (again, SORRY about the signature. That was exceedingly dumb on my part), I'd like to tip-toe back into your good graces and try to prove that I do have my head on straight... sometimes.
I'm a 22 year old college senior living with my boyfriend in Green Bay, Wisconsin. I'm an English major with a double emphasis in literature and creative writing (which means I'm just twice as unemployable as I normally would be), and Andre is working on getting his Journeyman electrician license. We're both finished with school in May. Just recently, as in, just a couple days ago, Andre told me he was going to go shopping for an engagement ring, and he went on a mysterious shopping trip with his mom this morning and was very clear that I was not invited. His buddy Zach accidentally let slip that he was going to be looking for a ring, but masterfully recovered and said "Uh, and by ring, I mean a new truck." So that's why I find myself here on this board. I hope I didn't come across as too much of a beebee or BSC yesterday!

New person interview preguntas:
Mojitos: Aaah... *drool*. Love. I actually got kicked out of my first bar when I was 19 because I asked the bartender for a mojito, so he instantly knew I was underage.
Margaritas: On the rocks.
Cheap wine: I like to think of myself as a wino-in-training. I know what kind of wine goes with what kind of food and et cetera. I think I'm too pretend-pompous to actually admit that I enjoy cheap wine.
Mac & Cheese: With hot dogs!
Ice rinks: I used to play hockey.
Pandas: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FzRH3iTQPrkCheese: I'm from Wisconsin. My dad drives milk truck for a creamery. I live in Green Bay. My mom dressed my little sister up as a wedge of cheese for Halloween one year. Yes.
Buttons: Snaps are easier to undo in the heat of the moment ;D