For a little background on the story, classes started 4 weeks ago and groups were formed 3 weeks ago. On Sunday, a guy sent this mass email out and I ignored it since I think it's crazy and don't feel like dealing with his drama. Now a group member in my group is asking if we should add him. I want to tell her no but I'm trying to think of a nicer way to put it that when I have written below.
This is his initial email:
"I have an emergency and I need YOUR help...Can I be in your group? It'sa life and death situation. My well-being depends on you cooperation. Ifyour a group that would like a hard -working student?, I'm your man."
My view is:
1- I don't think getting into a group project is a life or death situation and if it were, you would have thought of getting into a group three weeks ago when everyone else sent their "help, I need a group before the groups need to be sent in" emails.
2- If your so "hard-working" you would have "worked hard" to get into a group sooner. It's funny you start worrying about getting into a group 3 days before the group proposal is due. Could this be because you don't have a proposal and would like to hop onto someone else's work?
3- If it's the 8 page paper and your worried about writing by yourself, I'm not going to sympathize withyou. I had to write a 30 page "group" paper last semester by myself and I did it..BY MYSELF.
I think he's being a bit dramatic and I don't want a crazy person in my group, I have to deal with enough crazies in my life and I don't need another one who may influence my grade.
Sorry about the LJ entry, I don't know if it's because I have had no coffee this morning or the fact that BF is probably staying in Omaha another week but I have very little patience for morons today. Plus I dread going to the dentist today after work.
What do I tell my group memvber and how is everyone else's Tuesday going?