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Re: Couple has 23 Weddings

  • I can't say I'd sell my house and save every penny to just blow it all on having a wedding take place in 30 countries.  If I wanted to travel, sure... maybe not sell my house but save like a mothereffer.  
  • That was actually pretty cool looking through all those pictures. Even in the last photo they still looked just as happy and in love as they did in the first.
  • Maybe if I legitimatley had the money to do that without having to sell our condo and belongings it might be fun since we both like to travel and experience other cultures. But since we don't have that kind of money it's not an option.

  • I think I would go crazy planning that many weddings, but good for them! lol
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:0da674ad-b0ff-4f9a-8e91-12eb93879c2cPost:c40e927f-79c7-456b-b477-ea4c36ef4cb2">Re: Couple has 23 Weddings</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Couple has 23 Weddings : Yeah, I wouldn't even do it then.  Visit 23 countries?  Sure.  <strong>Arrange a wedding in each?  no farkin' way.
    </strong>Posted by StageManager14[/QUOTE]

    I'm not sure that they had the big wedding in each county though. IF we ever did something like that it would be just the two of us.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Couple has 23 Weddings</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Couple has 23 Weddings : According to this, they dressed up and had a ceremony in each country.  That would be far too much for me, especially since the ceremony was the most time-consuming and "stressful" part of planning for us.
    Posted by StageManager14[/QUOTE]

    Shopping for 23 different wedding dresses/outfits.
  • "We were only the second couple to marry at Pike Place Market." Nope, no you weren't, because you were already married!

    it's a pretty neat story, but I agree, travel if you want to travel. This is weird.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Couple has 23 Weddings</a>:
    [QUOTE]"We were only the second couple to marry at Pike Place Market." Nope, no you weren't, because you were already married! it's a pretty neat story, but I agree, travel if you want to travel. This is weird.
    Posted by balletdawn[/QUOTE]

    <div>Actually, they still aren't married.  They won't be married until after they get back in June 2014.</div>
    I french with my man
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Couple has 23 Weddings</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Re: Couple has 23 Weddings : Actually, they still aren't married.  They won't be married until after they get back in June 2014.
    Posted by peekaboo2011[/QUOTE]
    Now I'm really confused. I guess if it still means something to them after going through 30 ceremonies, more power to 'em.
  • This makes me wish I had a destination wedding...especially the Hawaiian Wedding but then so many important people couldn't have been there.
  • Wow. This also makes me wonder, are they up front with people when they come in and ask if they can have a ceremony there? I mean, do they say, "well...we've already had 10 ceremonies but we want to do another one here!"..? It seems to me that it could be offensive to some of the cultures/tribes that they are being "married' in, but maybe not. 
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