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Hair sytlist. Salon or on-site??

Hello-My hairstylist prefers that I go to the salon on the wedding day and the salon is 45 minutes away from the venue. I am wondering a couple of things... Do brides typically come to you or are they used to brides coming to the salon? Also, should I be worried about gettting my hair done too early? She wants to start the appointment at 9:00. I need to be ready by 2:30 for picutures. Any advice is greatly appreciated. Oh, and my makeup artist will be coming to me. September 2009

Re: Hair sytlist. Salon or on-site??

  • We went to the salon, but it wasn't anywhere near 45 min away.  That's an hour and a half (round trip) that you'd be spending in a car. I'd either find a closer salon or find someone that could come to me.  If she's good at her job, your hair will be fine.  Mine was done at 9am also and was still perfect at midnight.
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  • I am going to my stylist, however is located about 1/2 of a mile from my parents house. MY MUA will also come to me. I think I agree with Jamie, find someone closer.
  • on siteIf the make up artist is coming on site, going 1 1/2 hours for hair is just wasting time and energy
  • We are going to the salon.  I wanted to do appointments at like noon for pictures at 2...but of course that is too close.  My hair stylist was going to come to the hotel but it would cost more, she would have to drag all of her supplies and we would have to start appointments at like 5am to get all of the girls done.  Mine is about a 30-35 minute drive, but this person has done my hair since I can remember and I want her to do it.The make-up person, however, is coming to the hotel.  Only my mom, sister and I are getting makeup done so we should have enough time.
  • thanks so much for the advice! I asked my hair stylist if she would come to the site and she said that she has brides go to her :( I will keep my appointment and keep an eye out for closer salons. I hate to cancel with her because she is my regular hair stylist and I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings. BUT it's my wedding day and I don't want to stress about my hair.
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