My FI and I gave my FMIL the choice of what to dance to for the Mother/Son dance. She told us she was not big on traditional options and wanted to do something different. I told her fine, whatever she wanted. She asked me if the DJ could mix a few songs together, and I told her I would see what I could do.She sent me this email:OkHere's the list in the order in which I want them played.Ghostbusters Theme SongNinja Turtles Themes SongI'm a Cheesehead Baby by CWA (Cheeseheads with Attitude)The Air Force AnthemPride & Joy by Stevie Ray VaughnThe Carol Burnett Show Theme Song (I'm so glad we had this time together)I don't know if he can get all of this as we were going to download these off the internet. Let me know. Thanks!Now, let me start off by saying if the DJ can do it, that's what they'll dance to - I told her it was her choice and if that's her choice it is. This part of the wedding is about my FI and his mom. But it seems really weird to me and I have no idea how they are going to dance to it. Plus the choice of Pride and Joy creeps me out mostly because of what it's about, and also because it's the ringtone that comes up on my FI's phone whenever I call.Sorry, but this has been driving me crazy, and I promised my FMIL I wouldn't talk to FI about it, so here I am.