This story could get really long but I'll try to keep it short. From the time we got engaged FMIL said she was going to pay for the flowers because "the groom's parents always pay for the flowers" and her cousin does flowers so she expected me to automatically go with the cousin. I said that I would check her out so as not to give her the impression that it was a definite decision. A few months ago I saw a florist at a bridal show who I really liked. So a couple weeks ago I decided it was time to book a florist. I spoke to FMIL who wanted nothing to do with the other florist and told me if I wanted to meet with her cousin now I could look up the phone number myself because the cousin said I didn't have to meet with her until a month before the wedding (we're 8 months away now). After meeting with both florists my mom and I both fell in love with the florist from the bridal show and were not happy with the cousin. After discussing this with FI we decided that we were going to go with the one I liked. FI and I approached FMIL about it saying that the prices weren't much different and I was more comfortable with the other florist and liked her ideas better. I thought it was fair. FMIL blew up on me like you would never believe! She was yelling and screaming at me like an animal. And to make it worse FFIL joined in. FI got so mad that he started yelling back at her. I, on the other hand, do not yell and scream so I tried to stay as calm as possible. After about 10 minutes of this I finally got up and said "You know, I knew you were going to be upset, but I never imagined that you would act like this!" And I ran out of the house with FI following and we left. FI and I both still live with our parents so I can't exactly stay away from her. But I refuse to go over there until I get an apology or at least talk about this. FI is now mad at me because I refuse to go to his house. He just wants to forget the whole thing happened but I can't do that after she yelled at me like that. As far as I'm concerned she needs to know that the way she treated me is unacceptable. I feel like if I just let it go she will think it's ok and I will have to deal with this for the rest of my life and tha's not going to happen! Any opinions? Sorry for the long post. I just had to vent!