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2 Wedding Bands?

Hi all,

I wanted to ask your opinion on my thoughts for a wedding band.  Below is a picture of my e-ring.  I absolutely love it, but couldn't really see another ring going next to it unless it was a thin band that matched the band on my e-ring, and I didn't really want such a thin band. 

I was at the jewelers yesterday and told him I will probably move my e-ring to my right hand after the wedding and only wear a wedding band on my left hand.  That way I don't have to worry about it matching the e-ring.  He then suggested I get 2 thin bands and wear one on each side of my e-ring.  Below is a pic of my e-ring alone, and then the e-ring with 2 thin bands next to it.  I def like this more than one thin band just because it adds a bit to the ring, but I wanted to get your thoughts on this.  It seems a little strange to me to have TWO wedding bands, but I do really like how it looks. 

So the question is: Do you think it's wrong to have two wedding bands?

E ring:

E-ring with a band on each side of it:

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Re: 2 Wedding Bands?

  • I am getting two bands. I think it looks awesome! Beautiful ring by the way!
  • My sister has two bands, one on each side of her e ring. I like the way it looks!
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  • I think it looks really nice with your e-ring.  I have never seen this done until last month I actually saw it on 2 different people.  I wouldn't do it personally because it would overpower my ring, I think, but it looks great with yours.  One of the 2 people just got married last month.  For the ring exchange, her FI/husband put both rings on together as if it were one, then between the ceremony & reception she adjusted to put her e-ring in the middle.
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  • mine looks like two bands, but is really one that the engagement ring slips into. . . I think it's called an enhancer.  With such a pronounced center stone on an engagement ring, I think two looks great.  Although, I have a funny feeling the one thin band would also look lovely with it.
  • i don't think it's wrong adn have seen it before.  i personally wouldn't do it, but you should if you like it!
  • I love it - ideally someday I'll get an anniversary (second) band to do the same with mine... we just went with one band (that's a little less thin) for now because of the cost of my wedding band but I do Love the 2 band look :)
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  • It look's beautiful.

    My FI and picked out my wedding band(s) this weekend. I'm going to have 2 as well. One on either side of my e-ring. It really looks beautiful. It was actually HIS idea which shocked me. It was a lovely surprise. 
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  • Having two wedding bands is getting to be pretty popular.  Honestly I think one would look just as nice with your e-ring as would two.

    IMO, it sounds like your jeweler is trying up the sale by making you think that two bands is the only way to go.  In reality the top band is suppose to be an anniversary band, while the band closest to your heart is the wedding band.  But with that said you should do whatever you like best and that is within your budget.

  • I agree with a PP, I think one of those bands would look just as nice.

    I would love 2, but it's not in the budget at the moment, so I'm hoping down the road I can add another.
  • I wear two and have for years. My husband gave me the second one on our first anni. Try it with one and you can add the second one anytime. 

    Beautiful e-ring!
  • edited September 2012
    I also got a wedding band that looks like two, but is really just one that my E-ring slips into. My E-ring is very geometric and balanced, and every band I put next to it just didn't look right. It just looked unbalanced. So I asked the jeweler if I could see a band that fits on either side just "to see" and loved it. I get a lot of comments on how nice it looks, so take that for what it's worth.

    E-ring alone (forgive that it's on the wrong finger; this was the night he proposed and it was too big for my ring finger)

    Wedding band & E-ring

    ETA I think your ring would look just as nice with only one band... your E-ring really stands out (and is gorgeous!).
  • I have no idea if it's "wrong" or not, but I think it looks awesome!
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  • I too bought an enhancer / wrap as my wedding band. If you really want two, go for it. But like other PPs said, you could buy one now and get the second one as an anniversary ring. 
  • I have 2 as well.   At first I only had one but it looked asymmetrical and really bothered me. I got the other one a few days after our wedding.
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