Chit Chat


Just so I can get to know you all better on this board =)

1- Age?

2- Occupation?

3- What is your biggest priority for your wedding? photography, video, etc.

4- How did you meet your fiance?

5- Have you actually established real friendships with girls from the Knot?

6- Scariest movie you've ever seen (hopefully something I can watch on Netflix)
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Re: Poll!

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    Alecat, i'm glad to hear your FI is doing better now.

    I also love the movie Audition. It freaked me out! Takashi Miike is definitely one of the best directors.
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    1- Age? 27

    2- Occupation? teacher

    3- What is your biggest priority for your wedding? photography, video, etc. definitely photography

    4- How did you meet your fiance? well, we are already married, but we met at a Christmas party bc I worked with his Mom

    5- Have you actually established real friendships with girls from the Knot? nope

    6- Scariest movie you've ever seen (hopefully something I can watch on Netflix) dunno, don't do Netflix and not a huge scary movie fan
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    1- Age?  28

    2- Occupation? Accountant

    3- What is your biggest priority for your wedding?  Videographer and table decor (centerpieces)

    4- How did you meet your fiance? Through a mutual friend

    5- Have you actually established real friendships with girls from the Knot?  Not yet, going to G2G next week to meet them

    6- Scariest movie you've ever seen (hopefully something I can watch on Netflix)
    Paranormal Activity and Nightmare on Elm Street (2010 version, came out 04/30/10) - it makes you jump alot.
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    1- Age? 33

    2- Occupation? RN

    3- What is your biggest priority for your wedding? photography, video, etc. getting married, everything else is gravy.

    4- How did you meet your fiance? I'm good friends with his sister and we went to an all day dance seminar at Gilley's in Dallas.  We didn't get the nerve to talk to each other until the end of the day. 

    5- Have you actually established real friendships with girls from the Knot?  No

    6- Scariest movie you've ever seen (hopefully something I can watch on Netflix)  Hmmm...I don't really get scared with scary movies.  There's usually more gore than actual fright in more recent films.  The Saw series is pretty intense.
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers BabyFruit Ticker
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    1- Age? 25

    2- Occupation? adjunct faculty at a community college.  I teach chemistry and remedial algebra.

    3- What is your biggest priority for your wedding? photography, video, etc.  have fun!

    4- How did you meet your fiance? college - I knew his roommate, and the three of us had a class together.

    5- Have you actually established real friendships with girls from the Knot?  I haven't met any IRL

    6- Scariest movie you've ever seen (hopefully something I can watch on Netflix) Texas Chainsaw Mascre was the grossest.
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    1- Age 26

    2- Occupation Registered Nurse

    3- What is your biggest priority for your wedding?photography and...CAKE! 

    4- How did you meet your fiance? We grew up in the same church and are high school sweethearts!

    5- Have you actually established real friendships with girls from the Knot? No Frown

    6- Scariest movie you've ever seen (hopefully something I can watch on Netflix) can't help ya here...
    Wedding Countdown Ticker image
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    1- Age? 27

    2- Occupation? Contracts

    3- What is your biggest priority for your wedding? photography, video, etc. Mine was making sure it was unique and having a videographer. Still pictures just don't do justice for a lot of the hilarious or romantic moments.

    4- How did you meet your fiance? Through mutual friends, my best friend went to high school with him, and I actually worked with some of his friends. Small world..

    5- Have you actually established real friendships with girls from the Knot? The girls on my local rock

    6- Scariest movie you've ever seen (hopefully something I can watch on Netflix) The 4th Kind and Paranormal Activity is a close second.. very disturbing.
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    1- Age? 18. Yeah, I know.

    2- Occupation? Student, soon to be a teacher :)

    3- What is your biggest priority for your wedding? I think keeping it classy. I guess that's hard to explain lol.

    4- How did you meet your fiance? Friend of a friend.

    5- Have you actually established real friendships with girls from the Knot? Real, no. But there's some girls I'm friendly with :)

    6- Scariest movie you've ever seen? The Ring. Honestly. I don't do scary movies! Haha.
    <img src="
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    SandM1827SandM1827 member
    First Comment
    edited August 2010
    1- Age? 20

    2- Occupation? Student

    3- What is your biggest priority for your wedding? photography, video, etc.
    Just getting it through the ceremony/reception without relatives getting to rowdy or drunk.

    4- How did you meet your fiance?
    Through mutual friends.

    5- Have you actually established real friendships with girls from the Knot?

    6- Scariest movie you've ever seen (hopefully something I can watch on Netflix)
    I do have a rather large horror movie collection but I don't tend to find movies scary, disturbing yes, I found the remake of Hills Have Eyes thoroughly disturbing, I couldnt get through the first half hour of it.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    1- Age? 23

    2- Occupation? SAHM

    3- What is your biggest priority for your wedding? Photography

    4- How did you meet your fiance? He was my boss....we both got fired when it came out LOL

    5- Have you actually established real friendships with girls from the Knot? NO

    6- Scariest movie you've ever seen? I haven't seen a good scary moive in a while
    Baby Birthday Ticker Ticker
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    1- Age? 22 (23 in three days)

    2- Occupation? music teacher and opera singer

    3- What is your biggest priority for your wedding? photography, video, etc. photography is a definite priority, but also everyone just being comfortable and having a good time

    4- How did you meet your fiance? high school marching band :)

    5- Have you actually established real friendships with girls from the Knot? nope

    6- Scariest movie you've ever seen (hopefully something I can watch on Netflix) honestly, it's probably Signs... I don't do scary movies very often
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    1- Age?

    2- Occupation?
     student but in just over a month ill be a pharmacy technician

    3- What is your biggest priority for your wedding? photography, video, etc.
    Enjoying the day with our friends and family

    4- How did you meet your fiance?
    mutual friend

    5- Have you actually established real friendships with girls from the Knot?
    no - still too new

    6- Scariest movie you've ever seen (hopefully something I can watch on Netflix)
     honestly - the grudge did it for me.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    1- Age?  22

    2- Occupation?   assistant teacher in a daycare

    3- What is your biggest priority for your wedding?   photography

    4- How did you meet your fiance?   we had a few classes together at the community college.  FWB turned BF/GF turned FI

    5- Have you actually established real friendships with girls from the Knot?    nope

    6- Scariest movie you've ever seen.  I dont actually like scary movies.  So I havent seen many.  I'm still terrified of Chucky and Cujo (sp)

    (Not a regular on the board, I just like surveys. =] )
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    1. Age? 31

    2. Occupation? I've been everything from manager to antique dealer to legal assistant. I like antique dealing best. :)

    3. What is your biggest priority for your wedding? Cake!

    4. How did you meet your fiance? AOL Boston Chat room, circa 2000

    5. Have you actually established real friendships with girls from the Knot?  no

    6. Scariest movie you've ever seen? The Shining
    November Siggy Challenge: Favorite On Screen Couple
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    1- Age?

    2- Occupation?
    Stay at home Bride lol. In all seriousness, I don't work. So I call myself a housewife for lack of a better term.

    3- What is your biggest priority for your wedding? photography, video, etc.
    Since we're in the early early stages of planning, right now my biggest priority is finding the perfect venue.

    4- How did you meet your fiance?
    We both knew of each other through the industry that we both have hobbies in. We were introduced at a conference in Chicago, kept in touch randomly via email and phone for a year or so. Then, after working together at another conference, he asked me if I would consider moving to LA to be his assistant. I did. The rest is kinda history.

    5- Have you actually established real friendships with girls from the Knot?
    Not yet, but then again, I'm still quite the noob on here.

    6- Scariest movie you've ever seen?
    I don't do well with scary movies. But I'll say that the scary movies I wil NEVER see would be the SAW series.
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    1- Age? 27

    2- Occupation? Dog Groomer

    3- What is your biggest priority for your wedding? photography

    4- How did you meet your fiance? We met when he knocked on my door looking for my brother. They were friends for about 8 years before we met.

    5- Have you actually established real friendships with girls from the Knot? no

    6- Scariest movie you've ever seen (hopefully something I can watch on Netflix) not big on scary movies

    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    1- Age? 27 FI is 29

    2- Occupation? Communications and public relations

    3- What is your biggest priority for your wedding? at first it was photography and now it's everything! But mostly my guests having a wonderful time.

    4- How did you meet your fiance? I took a quick job at a bank after I had been laid off and we met there. I was only there for 2 months till I found a job in my field and we started dating after I had left.

    5- Have you actually established real friendships with girls from the Knot? Nope, not yet at least

    6- Scariest movie you've ever seen (hopefully something I can watch on Netflix) I've always enjoyed the 1980's horror films like Nightmare on Elm Street and Halloween. I have yet to see the new Nightmare on Elm Street though!
    You know you're in love when you can't fall asleep because reality is finally better than your dreams.- Dr. Seuss Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    Just so I can get to know you all better on this board =)

    1- Age?

    2- Occupation?
    College student.

    3- What is your biggest priority for your wedding? photography, video, etc.
    Photography/photo booth
    Color scheme

    4- How did you meet your fiance?
    A blind date.

    5- Have you actually established real friendships with girls from the Knot?

    6- Scariest movie you've ever seen (hopefully something I can watch on Netflix)
    I don't like scary movies.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
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    1- Age?  34

    2- Occupation? Math/Special Ed teacher & certified administrator

    3- What is your biggest priority for your wedding? Finishing Pre-Cana, booking photog and videog, and trying to maintain my sanity with his family.

    4- How did you meet your fiance?  I was a teaching fellow at a National Laboratory where he's a Network Engineer.

    5- Have you actually established real friendships with girls from the Knot? Nope

    6- Scariest movie you've ever seen ?  Saw, Blair Witch, Paranormal Activity, original Nightmare on Elm Street
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