What are you ladies doing for hair and makeup? I'm planning the wedding long distance and haven't been in the area for 8 years so have no idea who is good. I want very simple makeup. Any recommendations? Thanks

PAIF/SAIF welcome
TTC #1 since 10/2010, Cycle #26
Diagnosis: Unexplained IF
IUI #1 (Cycle #24): Clomid, Gonal-F, trigger, 4M post-wash = BFN 11/9/12
IUI #2 (Cycle #25): same protocol, 10M post-wash = BFN 12/12/12
Break Cycle #26 = CD69 BFP
Beta #1 2/20/13 = 449, Beta #2 2/22/13 = 1012, Beta #3 2/25/13 = 2479
u/s 3/1/13 = gest sac and yolk sac