
Tuxedo Rental - Billings

We are trying to sort out tux rentals from out here in Maryland for our October wedding in Billings.  I have called both Illusions and Step n Out.  The prices are fairly comparable for all the tuxes we are looking at.  Which place are your grooms using?  Any pluses of either?
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PAIF/SAIF welcome
TTC #1 since 10/2010, Cycle #26
Diagnosis: Unexplained IF
IUI #1 (Cycle #24): Clomid, Gonal-F, trigger, 4M post-wash = BFN 11/9/12
IUI #2 (Cycle #25): same protocol, 10M post-wash = BFN 12/12/12
Break Cycle #26 = CD69 BFP
Beta #1 2/20/13 = 449, Beta #2 2/22/13 = 1012, Beta #3 2/25/13 = 2479
u/s 3/1/13 = gest sac and yolk sac
BabyFruit Ticker

Re: Tuxedo Rental - Billings

  • edited December 2011
    We used step n out for our wedding, but also used illusions plus for the last wedding my fiance was in. The customer service at Illusions plus was great, they double as a magic/costume store so I picked step n Out because they specialize in weddings.

    To be honest though I'm just blah about our experience at Step n out so far. No major complaints.. 2 of the 6 people going to get measured have called me from the store because the lady was confused as to what was written down for them to be wearing, which i was shocked because it was all right there. And I was disappointed that the exact color I wanted had to be special ordered in for $15 extra per person so we went with the next closest shade. Some people complain about their customer service but we haven't had any problems with that, they have been nice.

    I think you should be fine going with either. I'll let you know in 2.5 weeks (19 days) if we had any problems with any of the tuxes from stepn out :)
  • edited December 2011
    Im also using step n out. I haven't had any trouble with them they are super nice and very accomodating! I do suggest you make sure they have eveyrthing you want/ don't want. My guys aren't wearing vests and they put them down just because they assumed I would change my mind.
  • lynnyloolynnyloo member
    Fifth Anniversary 10 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Thanks ladies!
    Image and video hosting by TinyPicImage and video hosting by TinyPic
    PAIF/SAIF welcome
    TTC #1 since 10/2010, Cycle #26
    Diagnosis: Unexplained IF
    IUI #1 (Cycle #24): Clomid, Gonal-F, trigger, 4M post-wash = BFN 11/9/12
    IUI #2 (Cycle #25): same protocol, 10M post-wash = BFN 12/12/12
    Break Cycle #26 = CD69 BFP
    Beta #1 2/20/13 = 449, Beta #2 2/22/13 = 1012, Beta #3 2/25/13 = 2479
    u/s 3/1/13 = gest sac and yolk sac
    BabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    I heard some comments that Step n’out had poor customer service and the folks at Illusions have been great so far. We are using Illusions. Incidentally, none of the grooms are local and all are emailing or faxing their measurements to the store. 
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