So suppose you're on a call with a possible new hire. You're asking them questions such as "Why do you want to work for us? / What kind of salary do you want? / When would you be able to start? / Why do you want to leave your previous job? . .etc" along with other first phone interview questions.
Everything sounds really positive and then the HR person asks when a good time to call back the following week would be, so you tell them that mostly you're schedule is open for a phone call, but you also mention a few times that wouldn't work due to weekly meetings.
. . .when would the HR person probably call back?
Does that make any sense at all? I've been reading Yevgeny Zamyatin's "We" for about 2 hours now, but I'm really antsy for DH to hear back from the HR or company. I'm trying my damnedest to stay calm, but it sounded really positive. It's only Tuesday, I know, but still. . . waiting sucks.