
Money question

Maybe this will make more sense on here, considering the fact that you guys are more familiar with the area. And as I've already been ripped apart on the etiquette board for daring to ask this.

The Facts The FI and I are considering Harriman Ranch in Harriman State Park for our wedding. We wanted to stay close to the greater Yellowstone area since we've already told everyone on our small wedding list (50 people max) that the wedding would be there.
  • We want the wedding to have a small intimate family reunion feeling since the guest list will consist of immediate family and close close friends in the wedding party.
  • Our wedding is over the fourth of July weekend, since I need a holiday weekend in the summer and Memorial day weekend and Labor day weekend are both out of the mix. I don't really like it, but I don't have much of a choice if I want my dad to walk me down the asile.
  • Everything is very very expensive in that area. As in a 100 plus a night. And we have families with children and everything coming (FI's brother and sister). And everything books fast.
  • The Harriman Ranch has three historical homes and ten rooms available to rent, and thus is able to house all our guests at very affordable rates. 100 bucks a night for the one room cabins and the most expensive house is 190 a night to be divided between two families.
The Negative: The ranch demands that we pay for the entire facilites up front if we want to be able to reserve them a year out in advance (otherwise, we'd have to wait until Novemeber and would run the risk of non wedding guests staying on site...wich would be awkward.

Question: How would we delicately tell our guests that they would need to pay us instead of the facilities for their rooms (this is not including anyone who has to cancel/decides not to come/ decides not to stay on the ranch obviously)? I know it's unsavory. And I don't like doing it, but I'd really like to avoid taking out loans to pay for my wedding. Considering the fact that I really didn't want to do the whole wedding thing to begin with.

Re: Money question

  • edited December 2011
    In Response to <a href=" Wedding BoardsForum:100Discussion:e03114a4-43c5-4f82-a5bb-e17246b30c2aPost:998f9944-d33f-49a2-b92d-1a9ebe2eb57a">Money question</a>:
    [QUOTE]Question: How would we delicately tell our guests that they would need to pay us instead of the facilities for their rooms (this is not including anyone who has to cancel/decides not to come/ decides not to stay on the ranch obviously)? I know it's unsavory. And I don't like doing it, but I'd really like to avoid taking out loans to pay for my wedding. Considering the fact that I really didn't want to do the whole wedding thing to begin with.
    Posted by Newf[/QUOTE]

    If you only have 50 guests and they are close family and friends I would call and explain the situation to them! They should be understanding enough!
  • edited December 2011
    First.. just so you know you posted this on the Montana board, you said we are familiar with the area but your wedding is in DC from what I can tell from your profile.

    Second..I think its fine just to call your guests and explain or email them, whichever is easiest and as long as you know they check their email. Like PP said, 50 is not too many guests, does this include couples, so really only 25 people and their guests? Either way, calling or emailing them this would be the best way to relay it and I wouldn't think its tacky or rude if I was a guest.

    Third, stop posting on the etiquette board. Its better to lurk there first, they are very direct and very experienced married women. I'm sure their advice is good, but I constantly hear knotties complain about getting ripped apart.
  • CA2MT4EveRCA2MT4EveR member
    edited December 2011
    Wait- you want Yellowstone, but you want Harriman which is in NY?  I am confused.
    dont make ur password so easy. gbck2CA2 hahahaha
  • edited December 2011
    Thanks. I eventually ended up deciding that we would just spread the news through word of mouth. I had a momentary anxiety lapse while I was making our website. I was writing about the place and wasn't sure how I should word the whole accommodations thing. I guess I have to have something to worry about if I don't have the major details to worry about anymore :)

    -glril2bewed: I usually avoid the etiquette board for that reason. They do have some valuable insight when it comes to planning big traditional weddings. But since our wedding is less about us and all the stuff that comes with big weddings and more about our families coming together. our views and the views of most of the girls on the etiquette board differ.

    Oh and I don't know why the knot is making my location DC. I'm currently in Richmond completing my thesis but plan on vacating the East coast as soon as I possibly can. FI's parents live in West and it seems to be a place where his entire family circles back to.

    -CA2MT4EveR: There's a Harriman State park in Island Park, Idaho as well that's just over Targhee pass from West. Much closer than the one in NY :) I had to do a double take when I was looking for their information online for the first time too. I guess the Harrimans were a lot like the Rockefellers...lots of money and lots of land.
  • elbuort2elbuort2 member
    First Comment
    edited December 2011
    I think if you ask and explain the situation everyone would be willing to pitch in and be very helpful I have learned in planning my wedding that if you don't ask no one will know you need help and everyone is very understanding. be up front with everyone and they will respect you and probably thank you for doing most of the work aka getting there accommodations so they don't have to waist the time calling all over the city looking for a place to stay especially on a holiday weekend!
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