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Need church decorating ideas

Hi all, haven't been on in awhile things have been so so busy. i just got back from meeting with our church's wedding coordinator. I'm having a hard time envisioning our wedding because our church is very contemporary with rows of chairs, not pews, and it is technically a gym (tile floor with long carpets covering where people walk). I can't find ideas for this type of church decorating. Everything I look up has pews so they can hang things off the end. Our church is just not one of those big gorgeous churches, but we really want to get married in it because its ours.

Anyway, does anyone have ideas for how to decorate the church?? Also, if you are having yours in a church, are you having a table up at the front by the officiant with flowers? Trying to figure that part out too.

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Re: Need church decorating ideas

  • Our Church has regular chairs and I lined up luminaria bags with battery operated tea lights in them on the floor on each side of the aisle.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:57ff761c-17d7-494b-b117-d3a702e1f67bPost:5bbec689-c9dd-4442-bc64-4670d6f3a06d">Re: Need church decorating ideas</a>:
    [QUOTE]In Response to Need church decorating ideas : <strong>Didn't you just post yesterday about chair covers? </strong> :) Look at photos from outdoor weddings, ballroom weddings, beach weddings.  Most of those are set up with chairs and you can find decor ideas. Link Link Link <strong>We did not have a table up front of our church with flowers.  It held the unity candle and nothing else.
    </strong>Posted by ILoveMilkDuds[/QUOTE]

    1. Wow, yes I forgot about that haha. That was more of just a quick post, I haven't been lurking around and replying to other people's posts is what I meant.

    2. Do you mean you DID have a table that held the candle?
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  • Our church has chairs instead of rows as well. We are using pomander palls to decorate down the aisle (on every other chair). And, we are having a table at the front with our unity candle on it. Our florist is making an arrangement for unity candle to "sit" in. And we will also have to candelabras up there.

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  • Gotcha. I was just confused! That sounds really pretty.

    We can't really decorate any of the chairs because they have no "pointy thing" to hang stuff from...they are kind of weird. This is a picture I could find that most resembles them. They are like this in a long row:
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  • Have you looked for sheperds hooks that would have stand?? Y could place those every couple of rows and hang pomanders or other decorations off of those.

  • I don't know what a shepherd hook or a pomander is......I will get to Googling :)
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