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ceremony setup need help

my FI and i are getting married in frpnt of a waterfall, the ground is paved, and well since we are trying to have a very small (fifty ppl at most) wedding i was thinking, would it be bad for wveryone to stand the entire time of the ceremony, we are skipping the candle and sand. its going to be a small prayer the vows, idos and rings and kiss thats it. the space would be fine to have chairs in, but im thinking everyone standing, shouldnt be a big deal either.. idk what you think?

Re: ceremony setup need help

  • <div>+1 !</div>In Response to <a href="">Re: ceremony setup need help</a>:
    [QUOTE]Yes, it would be very bad to make your guests stand for your ceremony. It can be excruciating for some people to stand in one place for even a few minutes.  You might be thinking, "well, no one on our guest list is disabled."  But you have no way of knowing that.  Lots of people have issues with chronic pain, arthritis and other conditions that would make it almost impossible for them to stand.  You don't always know who they are. A seat for every butt.  It's the only way.
    Posted by LucyHC[/QUOTE]
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  • You need to provide chairs for your guests.   Even if your ceremony is short... say, 15 minutes.  Most guests will arrive about 15-20 minutes early... so, what you are asking them to do is stand in one spot for 35-45 minutes. 

    Go get dressed up, put some heels on... do your hair & Makeup, and go stand in your driveway for half hour.  See how you feel.  then, rent some chairs for your guests.
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