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Kindergarten field trip -- ideas please?

My daughter really would like to go on a field trip and her teacher has said he would love to be able to take the kids on a field trip but the Principal (who I do NOT like at all) will not release the funds for field trips (for any grade or class). So I am going to pay for it myself.

Now here is the hard part – where do we go? I want to keep the cost under $5 a person (90 kids plus chaperones that can add up).

We are in Lakewood, WA (near Tacoma, WA) and I am just out of ideas. Any suggestions would be GREAT.  

Megan =)

Re: Kindergarten field trip -- ideas please?

  • In Response to <a href="">Kindergarten field trip -- ideas please?</a>:
    [QUOTE]My daughter really would like to go on a field trip and her teacher has said he would love to be able to take the kids on a field trip but the Principal (who I do NOT like at all) will not release the funds for field trips (for any grade or class). So I am going to pay for it myself. Now here is the hard part – where do we go? I want to keep the cost under $5 a person (90 kids plus chaperones that can add up). We are in Lakewood, WA (near Tacoma, WA) and I am just out of ideas. Any suggestions would be GREAT.    Megan =)
    Posted by HisMegs878[/QUOTE]

    You're probably way overstepping your bounds here.  Most schools and districts have extremely specific procedures and rules for trips and their alignment to the curriculum.  For example, we just can't go somewhere for the sake of going.  It has to match our state benchmarks.  I know my district has a minimum 12 week approval time just to run the background checks on the chaperones.
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!

  • You totally don't want to do this! The real issue is personal liability. If something happens to any one of those children, you can (and mostly likely) will be held liable. There is a whole rats nest of civil and even criminal issues that can arise. By stepping outside of the school district, you are now considered responsible. Don't risk your financial and emotional health on this. If you really want to proceed. Then throw a 'learning party' for your child and have them invite the friends in their class. Take the party to a children's museum or something. Make sure it's on a weekend and that the other parents know it's just like birthday party, but without the presents and cake. 
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  • Jem79Jem79 member
    First Comment
    I am a 2nd grade teacher in Kansas and with the education budget, yes, things such as field trips are being cut.  Very sad, but there are other things you can do.  Right now we are doing IDLs (Interactive Distance Learning) opportunities out there.  Have the teacher talk with their technology department first.  There are a lot of activities with zoos.  Tomorrow for example, we are teaming up with a school in Texas and they are doing a presentation with rattlesnakes!

    With paying for field trip, that is a very nice gesture, but not only is the entrance fee the issue, but the bus and the gas for the bus.  Whether you like your child's principal or not, it is not their decision to cut field trips, it is coming "above" the principal.
  • I'm a preschool teacher, and I have to say that you are completely overstepping your bounds here, not to mention defying common sense.

    The principal is not telling you that you can't provide an outing for your daughter, or even your daughter and some of her friends.

    But you organizing a trip for 90 kindergartners and chaperones is just crazy.  First of all, the liability is HUGE.  What if something happens to one of the children that day.  What if something happens at the venue.  What if something happens on the way to or from? 

    Whose insurance is covering all that?  Yours?  You could lose everything because of one single incident.

    And honestly, I can't imagine that many parents will allow you-a perfectly nice person I'm sure, to take their children somewhere~even with chaperones.

    In the schools, all staff have to be criminal history background checked.  The volunteers are never supposed to be left alone with the children.  There's a reason for that.

    Honestly, you're way over the line.  This is NOT the way to end up on good terms with your DD's principal or the staff at the school. 

    You're going to end up as THAT parent.  I have one at my preschool.  She's known as the difficult parent, for good reason.

    Take your DD and a couple of her friends to someplace fun.  Just don't step in and run a field trip when you really have no standing to do that.
    "Trix, it's what they/our parents wanted. Why so judgemental? And why is your wedding date over a year and a half ago? And why do you not have a groom's name? And why have you posted over 12,000 posts? And why do you always say mean things to brides?" palegirl146
  • Well thanks for the FYI - but I did come on and ask for suggestions on fun activities for 6 year olds, not a lecture on why I should not fork over the $$ to the school.

    But since I am obviously not getting that in this thread I am done with it. Have a good evening.


  • In Response to <a href="">Re: Kindergarten field trip -- ideas please?</a>:
    [QUOTE]Well thanks for the FYI - but I did come on and ask for suggestions on fun activities for 6 year olds, not a lecture on why I should not fork over the $$ to the school. But since I am obviously not getting that in this thread I am done with it. Have a good evening. M
    Posted by HisMegs878[/QUOTE]
    No need to be snotty about it - people are trying to help.  We live in a lawsuit-happy society and we're honestly trying to look out for you.  I can think of multiple serious allegations and legal actions involving the school system since I started teaching.  People lose their jobs and homes over law suits.
    The Bee Hive Est. June 30, 2007
    "So I sing a song of love, Julia"

    BFAR:We Defined Our Own Success!


    If one of the kids got kidnapped or broke a leg on the trip, YOU would be responsible and if the trip was during school hours, the school's insurance would also be responsible.  Join the PTA, organize some after school programs for the kids, but honestly, field trips aren't important when the school can't afford essentials.

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  • edited May 2010
    I work with 1st graders at an elementary school and they just took a trip to a farm, it's very educational and they get to pet cute animals. If there's a farm in your area that'd be a good field trip!

    Otherwise zoos, museums, or interactive children's museums would be good, maybe you have some historical sites that are cool to visit. I once went on a field trip where we spent all day in a one room school house and they held a class like they would have back in the day, or my town also has a piece of land where they put a ton of old houses, shops, churches, and schools that have been around sinxce this town has been built and they have them out so people can tour them. Just a few ideas, I hope that helps!
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