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F/U Dentist. . . --Long--

So I went today to have my fillings looked at. I'm now even more convinced that finding a new dentist is the absolute best option for us.

When I first went to the guy a year ago, its because I thought my wisdom teeth were causing tenderness. I was told at that point that I only had one wisdom tooth and that it wouldn't cause issues because he claimed that as soon as it barely touches another tooth, it stops moving. Also, the reason he said I had no other wisdom teeth is because they took xray's on my first visit and according to those xrays, it only showed the one that has already come in.

Fast forward to now. . .in which he was snide, along with the receptionist and then he had someone shadowing him, who was never introduced, but whatever.

They took a picture of my fillings and low and behold, there's another wisdom tooth that's horizontally impacted right behind where I've got the fillings.

So after he poked around and everything and put REALLY cold air on my teeth, he said that my fillings are fine and nothing is wrong with them, that I haven't chipped or broken a tooth or filling (thank God, but now Im really curious to know what the white thing was that I crunched the other day), and that there are only two options for me.

Option 1 : Go through surgery to remove the wisdom tooth because it *could* be putting pressure on my teeth with fillings (even though according to his previous statement. . that doesnt happen?).

Option 2 : Get a mouth guard because he thinks I may be grinding my teeth at night. (I've never done this before and DH has never noticed it before. Granted, it's very possible, but wouldn't all of my teeth be sore and how does that explain the extreme sensitive and headaches .. etc. ?)

So he's like "Which option do you want, because there's nothing else I can do".

Ummm I'll take the mouth guard thanks. So tomorrow I pick that up and we'll see what happens. Regardless though, after tomorrow, I'm not going back. We've found a dentist that is closer, is in network and has absolutely amazing reviews (100's of them).

Soooo just in case you were curious, even though you probably weren't, theres the update :)

Thank you for all the advice in the previous thread. I almost didn't go today, but figured I should for one last chance and to see if I can get rid of the pain before vacation. Without your encouragement to go, I probably would have chickened out.
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Re: F/U Dentist. . . --Long--

  •  Wow what an asshole. I am glad you are going to a new person hope s/he is much better. 
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  • Honestly, I think you should get your wisdom teeth out beacuse that dentist sounds like a moron. 
    I'm not a dentist but FI was having lots of tooth issues but when he got his last two wisom teeth out he hasn't had any.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: F/U Dentist. . . --Long--</a>:
    [QUOTE]Your second sentence says you're "not" even more sure.  Did you mean "now"? I hope your next dentist is more accommodating.
    Posted by edielaura[/QUOTE]

    Yup, I fixed it :)

    Me too. I tried not to be a b*tch about it, but dag nabit, it's my teeth!

    Thanks for 'listening' to my vent :)
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  • Bonus for today that made things a bit better. . .I got 10inches of hair chopped off to donate. My hair is above my shoulders, which is the shortest I've ever had it before. I'm not sure what to think about the haircut yet, but I'm glad I got to donate. :)
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  • I didn't see your first thread but from this one, seeing a new dentist sounds like a great idea. I think you should consider getting your wisdom teeth out as well- when you see your new dentist. I waited too long to have mine taken out and they sort of crowded my other teeth (hope that makes sense). It also didn't hurt too bad and I had all 4 taken out at the same time. Hope the mouth guard helps you!
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  • JadziaDax,

    Getting the wisdom teeth out is a topic of discussion with DH right now, but yeah, we're going to wait and go to the new dentist first. There's NO way I'm going to this guy for the removal. The sucky part is the 'surprise' tooth hasn't broken the gum and probably wont, so it'd have to be surgical (from my understanding so far), which apparently our dental doesnt cover a whole lot of that.

    This surprise tooth is making me wonder if I have lower wisdom teeth as well now. Im starting to think either they randomly appear, or the dentist / tech took crappy pictures last time. . . Oh well.

    One step at a time :)
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  • For your wisdom tooth, you should really see an oral surgeon.  I had impacted wisdom teeth, and my regular dentist had the good sense to refer me out to one instead of trying to do surgery herself (this is apparently like having your general practitioner do your knee surgerty, KWIM?).  Oh, and get a new dentist b/c your dentist sounds like an a-hole.
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  • I didn't see your first post, but I'd definitely get a new dentist- but it sounds like you're doing that. I still have my wisdom teeth and getting them out will always be a last option for me. I'm scared of that. Luckily, I'm still ok with them in. Good Luck! 

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  • I think many times an oral (maxiofacial) surgeon removes your wisdom teeth, especially if they are impacted.  Get them removed.  It will make a HUGE difference, especially if they are impacted.  And wisdom teeth definitely do bother your other teeth and they don't stop when they "touch another tooth."  Why would anyone need their wisdom teeth out then if that was the case?

    I grind my teeth at night.  Most of the pressure falls on one tooth alone and it gets so sore I can't even eat soggy cereal without flinching. :(  So grinding could cause you pain in 1-2 teeth so that's probably worth checking into as well.

    GL with the new dentist!  I definitely wouldn't go back to this asshat.
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  • 1.  You need to get the wisdom tooth (teeth) out.  They can absolutely cause pain.  The thing with your teeth is that all the nerves all all tangled together and sort of generalized, so you can often feel pain in weird parts of your mouth.  Also, they can cause serious infections, etc.

    2.  An oral surgeon will take them out, not a dentist.

    3.  Grinding your teeth actually can cause headaches, pain, and sensitivity.  But you should still get your wisdoms out, regardless.

    Everything the light touches is my kingdom.
  • Mouthguards work wonders for grinders! I'm no dentist either, but I am a dental assistant...and I hope you find a dentist that knows more than this one because a mouthguard is going to do nothing for an impacted wisdom tooth. That tooth is basically growing horizontally into the roots of your second molar, which could eventually cause MUCH bigger problems! You should really get them out if you can. Meanwhile, I hope you find a better denitst!!
  • Thanks everyone:  :)
    The wisdom teeth will be coming out. The one that I have that's already come in isn't in deperate need to come out because it come down the correct way and has plenty of room ( at least right now ). The new one, that I wasn't aware I had, will def have to come out since it's under the gum and going the wrong way.

    The mouthguard was the option I picked since I didn't want to deal with this guy anymore and I'm hoping it gives some relief, at least through vacation.

    I really appreciate ya'll 'listening' to my vent / ramble and thank you for the information :) I've been looking stuff up on the interwebs, but sometimes it also helps to hear from others who know / have been there :)

    I'll be calling the new dentist either today or tomorrow to see if they can get me in in the next couple of weeks. My 6month cleaning is in March, so it works out nicely, timing wise.

    . . .heres to hoping the guard works!
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  • Unless the mouth guard is free don't get it. Just go to a sports store and get a mouth guard there. They do the same thing. Work wonders and are only a dollar.

  • We're hoping it's covered by insurance since they classify it under 'preventative measures'. They've already taken the mold for it (did that yesterday) and I go in to make sure it fits later today. It's going to be like 20, if it isnt covered.

    If the mold hadn't already been made, I probably would just go to a sports store to see if something there would work.
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  • In Response to <a href="">Re: F/U Dentist. . . --Long--</a>:
    [QUOTE]Unless the mouth guard is free don't get it. Just go to a sports store and get a mouth guard there.<strong> They do the same thing</strong>. Work wonders and are only a dollar.
    Posted by AshnRobo[/QUOTE]

    Eh, sort of...

    I've been grinding my teeth for years but only recently did it cause me a lot of pain.  When I went to the dentist, he discovered that by grinding my teeth for so long that the pressure had caused some shifting and pointy area of one tooth was now connecting with the middle of the tooth above it.  For that, they took a mold and made a thick, virtually indestructable guard that would help realign my bite a bit so those teeth would no longer connect.  It worked wonders for me, and a sports mouthguard will not do that.
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  • Go get a second opinion. As a child my mom faithfully took me to the dentist every 6 months for a checkup. I had some cavities, dentist would fill them. All sounds good so far.  Now my mom had had to have all of her teeth pullled by age 26 (no dentist in remote town she grew up in) and she did not want me to have to do the same thing.
    I hadd a filling that kept falling out, a new dentist moved to town. Mom took me to him - he had a fit over the mess my mouth was in. I visited him twice a week for months to get everything straightened out. The old dentist hadn't been doing things at all, what he did wasn't right. I had teeth that had to be pulled because of the first dentist's neglect.

    You want your teeth to last your whole life, get a secon opinion. This guy sounds nuts.
    and this is from someone who had impacted eye teeth (laying on their sides above my other teeth. They had to pull the tooth that was there, stick a wire up and lasso the impacted tooth (remember laying on it's SIDE) and pull it down in to place. That wasn't my original dentist's fault but he knew it and never told my mom.

    With me, they ended up pulling 3 of my 4 wisdom teeth. They left the 4th. I had to get braces, they moved my last bottom molar on the right up 1 space to replace the pulled tooth. When my wisdom tooth came in, it came in in the last position on the right.

    I hate going to the dentist more than you can imagine 'cause I've spent WAY to much time there thanks to a incompetant practioner.
  • Sorry you are still dealing with all of this.  As for your wisdom teeth, yes you should get them out (but you have already said you plan on doing that).  A general dentist can remove wisdom teeth but, it's usually better to have an Oral Surgeon do that for you for a number of reasons.  They can offer you general or IV sedation, they have additional training in the removal of impacted teeth, and it's what they do all day, every day. (I work for an Oral Surgeon) :)  The impacted tooth could absolutely be causing you the pain you have been describing so that could be the reason it hasn't gotten better.  
    It could also be related to clenching/grinding of your teeth.  I am a clencher so, I place a lot of stress/pressure on my teeth constantly, which causes severe headaches at times.  Because I don't actually grind my teeth, there never is any sound associated with my habit so, FI never knows when I am doing it.  This could be what you are doing as which case, a lab-constructed night guard could be a huge relief.  And I do recommend you having it made like you are planning to do because it will be custom fit to your bite...always better than something over-the-counter that you try and mold around your teeth, which never fits the same as something made for you and you alone.  
    You mentioned a piece of white material that broke off around the filling but he said it wasn't your actual filling...that may have been something referred to as flash.  Sometimes a small piece of excess material remains on the tooth structure but is hard to see because it's the same color as your tooth.  Since it's not part of the filling, it eventually comes off, which might be what you experienced when you thought the filling broke.  
    I hope the nightguard is able to give you some immediate relief so you can enjoy your vacation and that your new dentist can get you back on the right track so you aren't in pain anymore.  GL
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