So I went today to have my fillings looked at. I'm now even more convinced that finding a new dentist is the absolute best option for us.
When I first went to the guy a year ago, its because I thought my wisdom teeth were causing tenderness. I was told at that point that I only had one wisdom tooth and that it wouldn't cause issues because he claimed that as soon as it barely touches another tooth, it stops moving. Also, the reason he said I had no other wisdom teeth is because they took xray's on my first visit and according to those xrays, it only showed the one that has already come in.
Fast forward to now. . .in which he was snide, along with the receptionist and then he had someone shadowing him, who was never introduced, but whatever.
They took a picture of my fillings and low and behold, there's another wisdom tooth that's horizontally impacted right behind where I've got the fillings.
So after he poked around and everything and put REALLY cold air on my teeth, he said that my fillings are fine and nothing is wrong with them, that I haven't chipped or broken a tooth or filling (thank God, but now Im really curious to know what the white thing was that I crunched the other day), and that there are only two options for me.
Option 1 : Go through surgery to remove the wisdom tooth because it *could* be putting pressure on my teeth with fillings (even though according to his previous statement. . that doesnt happen?).
Option 2 : Get a mouth guard because he thinks I may be grinding my teeth at night. (I've never done this before and DH has never noticed it before. Granted, it's very possible, but wouldn't all of my teeth be sore and how does that explain the extreme sensitive and headaches .. etc. ?)
So he's like "Which option do you want, because there's nothing else I can do".
Ummm I'll take the mouth guard thanks. So tomorrow I pick that up and we'll see what happens. Regardless though, after tomorrow, I'm not going back. We've found a dentist that is closer, is in network and has absolutely amazing reviews (100's of them).
Soooo just in case you were curious, even though you probably weren't, theres the update

Thank you for all the advice in the previous thread. I almost didn't go today, but figured I should for one last chance and to see if I can get rid of the pain before vacation. Without your encouragement to go, I probably would have chickened out.