New Hampshire

RSVP Deadline Today

and we only got 3 rsvp's today!  We are still waiting on almost 60 rsvp's, granted everyone was invited with a guest so its really only 30ish.. but still!  I am giving people until Monday then calling out the troops to start following up :)  We have received more No's than we were expecting, which it  may sound bad to say, but I am happy about it! Everyone that FI & I want there will be there, but the parents got a little crazy with their guest lists, and that is where most of the no's have come from, so we are ok with it :)  Looks like we will have about 180-190 which is what we did our reception estimate on.  So excited.. now its time to start working on seating arrangements and the escort cards.. eek!

Re: RSVP Deadline Today

  • manna1212manna1212 member
    edited December 2011
    Don't stress about people not respoding. We ran into the problem of people assuming we knew they were coming...not sure where that came from! But just make your phone have ever right to track the slackers down! Good luck!
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