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Any hints with this?

For a wedding gift, I had planned on getting my fiance a new guitar and have been saving money specifically for it.  But lately he's been talking about buying himself a new guitar. (I guess the good news here is that at least I know what he likes...)   Any ideas on how to talk him out of it without just flat out saying that I was going to get him that?  I was really wanting it to be a surprise.  I tried going with, "Well, should we try to save up for the honeymoon instead of buying ourselves expensive things right now?" But he said that he's already saved a lot for the honeymoon (and he's totally right...he's already saved up more than I have).... so that didn't help. The wedding isn't until May so that's a long time to just stall and try to talk him out of it.  Any ideas?  

Re: Any hints with this?

  • When that happens with me and FI we just end up giving each other the gifts early. I don't think we've successfully surprised each other with gifts... ever. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I can't even tell you how many times that has happened to me with FI, except it's always for Christmas.
    Either he ends up spoiling the surprise by buying himself the "toy" or I have to come up with some crazy reason why he doesn't need it and shouldn't buy it. I have about a 50% success rate, lol.

    It's tough to advise you since you're still quite a few months out. Stalling him usually only works for about a month or so, so it'd be tricky to try to keep him convinced he doesn't need it for that long.

    Maybe just make a general statement that he's not allowed to buy anything fun for himself until after the wedding just in case others want to buy him something? Don't bring it up when he mentions the guitar though or else he'll immediately suspect something. Then just remind him of that idea everytime he tries to buy himself something and he won't know about anything specific....maybe. :P
    Wedding Countdown Ticker

  • Try to tell him that you should have an emergency fund for the wedding, just in case there is an unexpected fee or cost.  And ask him to hold off on buying the guitar until after the wedding.
  • I cannot ever surprise my FI, because if he wants something, he buys it. I had been planning for months on buying him a grill-smoker for Christmas, and the other day I get a gchat "I just bought this smoker!" with a link to one he bought. Annoying to say the least. 

    Sorry, don't really have any advice, just commiserating. 
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I'm another one who has a hell of a time finding gifts for DH.  The man never wants anything and if he needs it, he buys it himself.

    OP - would you be able to do a backup plan like songbooks from his favorite artists?  Maybe you could find autographed ones online.
    Proud to be an old married hag!! image
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