New Hampshire

NWR: Quick Questions!

two questions...1. i was thinking the other day that what if someone sends me a check with my old last name on it, but i need to deposit it into my account that has my new last name? surely someone else has run into this!2. DH and i are starting the process of buying a house, but have no idea where to start! how did you choose your realtor? is there anything we should be aware of?

Re: NWR: Quick Questions!

  • edited December 2011
    You will likely have to show your marriage certificate. We ran into a whole bunch of problems when we wanted to cash our checks that had my new last name on it. BUT if you have changed you name at your bank they should have a record of you maiden name and you should be all set.As far as a realtor goes I would ask friends and family who have used someone in your area/in the area you are looking to move.GL!
  • edited December 2011
    I am 9 months past the wedding and the only thing I have not changed is mybanking. When I depost my checks I show both licenses, had no problem. I will change it sometime.
  • edited December 2011
    Sorry, not married yet and can't help you with the first question...For the second question, my FI is in real estate and if you just need some initial questions or advice feel free to  page me and I can try to help you out.
  • edited December 2011
    1.  I'm not married yet so I can't answer your 1st question.  Sorry! 2.  I would say the 1st step to buying a house is getting a pre-approval letter from a mortgage company.  It doesn't necessarily have to be the same company you get your mortgage from.  Some people won't even let you look at their house unless you have one of these letters.  This will also help you establish what price range you are looking for.  As far as finding a realtor, I agree with Gabs, ask around.  You can always meet with a couple until you find someone is right for you and fits your personality.  I moved twice and through the process have met very different realtors.  When I moved to New Hampshire I used Nancy Walsh in Nashua (I think she's with Better Homes Realty now?).  She was fabulous.  She was a little more aggressive which I lived because I tend to be more passive.  You should just find someone who you will work well with since this is one of the biggest purchases you'll make!
  • edited December 2011
    1. I just sign my checks with my maiden name (effectively making them good as 'cash') then sign with my married name underneath to deposit.This also works for your wedding checks people give you.  If people write Mr and Mrs whatever, you just sign your married name, and DH signs his name underneath his bank should deposit it - even if you haven't legally changed your name.2. I agree w/ PP get pre-approved before selecting a Realtor.  Be aware (although things have probably changed since 2005) we were approved for a half million dollar line - there's NO WAY DH and I could have paid that.  Just because the bank says your approved for something - doesn't necessarily mean that's the amount you can afford. Look at your budget and search homes w/ payments $300-$500 a month below that (for taxes and all sorts of random things that aren't factored in)GOOD LUCK - home buying is so exciting!!!!
  • edited December 2011
    The standard procedure would be to sign the back of the check as it appears on the front then below it put your new name. They'll take it.
  • JessnJamesNHJessnJamesNH member
    edited December 2011
    Not sure about the bank question BUT... James and I just bought our first house and I honestly think that taking the free first time home buyer seminar by NH housing helped us through the whole process. Buying your first home can be so overwhelming if you don't know what is happening. I feel that the seminar gave us the tools we needed to make educated decisions. They will walk you through setting up your budget (great eye opening experience), getting your credit in order, finding a realitor, finding a lender and a house inspector. Make sure that you find individuals that you can trust! Know what you are willing to spend each month for a payment (including tax and insurance). The banks will pre approve you for WAY more than you can afford. When you know how much you want to spend each month, It makes it easier to know how much house you can afford.  I could go on and on. Sorry!
  • AmiG41209AmiG41209 member
    edited December 2011
    Can't help with the first questions but for the house question, I agree with Jess.FI and I are taking a similar class with MassHousing (because we have to for our mortgage) but I would recomend doing that first.  We've had alot of "I wish we knew that before we started" moments.
  • rco118rco118 member
    edited December 2011
    Hi - We are the middle of a house search and wedding planning too.  Who thought this was a good idea??  LOL.  But welcome to the insanity!In doing our research we came across this new trend in buyers only offices.  Not just agents; the whole office only helps buyers.  Without a place to sell, we were really sold on this concept.Here's the MA website: www.massbuyeragents.organd the NH website: www.nhaeba.orgOur realtor is Rich Rosa from Buyers Brokers Only in Haverhill, MA.  We really like him personally, but he was also a lawyer and could serve as our lawyer through the process with no additional cost.  His level of patience is a gift as well!Last but not least, when you interview realtors they will ask you to sign a form saying they've disclosed what kind of realtor they are.  If someone doesn't ask you to sign this form, run.  GL!
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