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Leather furniture question

We're closing on our house in a few weeks and we're trying to make a few decisions on furniture.  Some things we've already ordered, but there is a sofa and loveseat set that FI and I both love.  Problem is, it's leather.  And we have a dog.  I have no experience with leather furniture at all.  Never had it before, have no idea how to care for it.  My concern is that our dog's claws will scratch it all up.  Do any of you have leather furniture with pets?  Do you think it will be an issue?
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Re: Leather furniture question

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    If your dogs scratch at furniture, it will mark up the leather.
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    He doesn't tend to scratch at anything purposely.  I'm concerned about when he jumps up onto it or walks on it.
    21811_10151174643987291_1046283999_n_zpsddfa358c Anniversary BabyFruit Ticker
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    FWIW, my friends have a lab and he climbs all up on their leather furniture. I've never noticed anything bad about their couches, they have a really nice home.
    And I DO tend to notice dog things since I have a dog and am paranoid about our home unintentionally turning into a doghouse.
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    We have a dog, a cat, and leather furniture. No problems. I like it as I can "wash" it.
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    It also depends what kind of leather it is- if it's more of a relaxed worn looking leather compared to tight leather. I don't think i'm explaining this like I'm trying to...

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    We have leather couches and dogsat for FSIL, who has 2 dogs. We were worried about the leather couches but the dogs didn't even bother with them, and the one dog is VERY crazy and not trained too well. They would sit and sleep on the couches but had no interest in scratching at them. I don't think it feels very good for them to scratch at, but I could be wrong. Ditto PP on how EASY they are to clean, just Lysol wipe them about once a week or when people come or leave, not to mention from my understanding its a lot harder if not impossible to get fleas to live in a leather couch than a cloth one. But again, could be wrong on that one.
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    We have softer brown leather chairs, and they are scratched.  Not horribly, and it doesn't look awful, but they do have scratches on them.

    The cat also tends to jump up on the back of the same chairs, and there are little claw marks on the headrest area.   Our fabric furniture has worn much better than the leather. But, it may be because of the type of leather.

    The scratches don't compare to the missing corner of the ottoman though, which my rottweiler chewed off when he was a puppy.
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    I have two large dogs, (115lbs and 270lbs) and a leather sofa. Neither dog scratches at the sofa, and as long as their nails are trimmed the sofa goes undamaged when they get on it.


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    We have very dark wood floors and we wanted a light colored sofa and loveseat.  We thought light colored leather would be easier to keep clean than fabric- our only concern was scratch marks from our dog.  I definitely feel better about going with the leather furniture now.  Thank you all!     
    21811_10151174643987291_1046283999_n_zpsddfa358c Anniversary BabyFruit Ticker
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    We have a beagle and a black leather couch and love seat.  He does occassionally scratch at them, until we tell him to stop.  If you look really closely you can see some light scratch marks, but nothing bad at all.  They are very easy to clean and he sleeps on one or the other every night.  
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