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WWYD - Dentist ? -Long-

So I've been trying to get in touch with my dentist for almost two weeks. I've left multiple messages and called more times than I've left messages.

Basically, I've got two fillings (put in, back in Sept) that have been giving me a lot of trouble (headaches and LOTS of sensitivity). I've already been back twice since Sept to have the fillings looked at and 'fixed', but I'm still having a lot of pain. I'm taking pain meds everyday at this point. I'm also kind of uncomfortable with this dentist as he's a bit more 'touchy' than I'm used to and it just makes me uncomfortable.

Anyways, I called again this morning, still no answer and straight to their new recording (just like the last two weeks. . every flipping time). So around 2 DH calls them to see whats up and he gets through instantly and the receptionist is kind of snidy sounding. She then calls me on the house phone and acts like she JUST got my messages, but then admits that my husband called and talked with her. She was also snappy and kind of rude with me too. I've got an appointment for wednesday now though.

Here's my delimma. I've already started looking for a new dentist because I feel like having simple fillings 'fixed' three, possibly more times, is to many times. These were baby cavities, nothing major. I also think part of the filling may have broken the other day (I have the piece and plan to take it with me), so it could have been done improperly. Next, I feel like I've been getting the run around with this place about getting this fixed. Lastly, Im very nervous about going in again because the last time he 'fixed' it, I left feeling like someone had beat the $hit out of the side of my jaw/tooth/face since he can't numb me to fix the filling.

Would you keep the appointment or drop it and hold out for two weeks (we're going on vacation) and then go to a new dentist (who comes highly recommended by a friend)?
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Re: WWYD - Dentist ? -Long-

  • That was my inital thought. I don't want to deal with pain while away. I think I've just let my nerves get to me. We're definetly looking for a new dentist. I just couldn't decide if I should go ahead with the appt or nix it and wait. . .
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  • My dentist prescribed some Valium for me for my next fillings due to my fears of not fully being numbed and in pain... apparently this is common now a days. Is this something that can possibly be an option for you?
  • Nope. Apparently he needs to be able to see where it hurts in order to fix it. Which means he needs to see my facial responses to know where the cold air or whatever tool he's using is hitting.

    It sucks, a lot. I wish I could get a chill pill or something, because at this point, since I've now been through it a couple times, I'm already anticipating the pain, but I'm trying really hard not to.
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  • I'd get it looked at now- there's nothing worse then being on vacation and not being able to enjoy it because of dental pain.

    I would definitely start seeing that other dentist afterwards. If your dentist doesn't fix it this time don't go see him/her again.
  • That realllyyyy sucks Ncsu, I'm sorry you have to deal with this :/ Get that taken care of before it gets worse.
  • Is there another dentist you can go to now to get it fixed and then see the recommeneded dentist when you return?

    I think the whole "he needs to see the pain" bit is crap. He sounds like a sadist. I've been to several dentists and most of them have a goal of not inflicting pain. I have been to two that have hurt me in my whole life and have never returned.

    The end result no matter what you do needs to be you getting a new dentist.
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: WWYD - Dentist ? -Long-</a>:
    [QUOTE]Is there another dentist you can go to now to get it fixed and then see the recommeneded dentist when you return? I think the whole "he needs to see the pain" bit is crap. He sounds like a sadist. I've been to several dentists and most of them have a goal of not inflicting pain. I have been to two that have hurt me in my whole life and have never returned. The end result no matter what you do needs to be you getting a new dentist.
    Posted by AshnRobo[/QUOTE]

    I wish. He's the only one in that office that does fillings. If I go to a new Dentist, then they'll have to give me the whole checkup or whatever since I'd be a new patient.

    DH apparently wants to talk about it when he gets home and we're definitely looking into a new dentist.

    I too thought it was weird that he didn't numb me, but figured it was routine.
    Basically the filling was 'too high', or well, still is/possibly broken.

    It just all around sucks. Before I started going to this place (started about this time last year), I hadn't seen a dentist in almost 8 years. They told me that for not having been to a dentist in so long, my teeth were amazing, except for the two baby cavities and suggested I go ahead and get them filled so that they didn't get better. At this point, I'd rather have my baby cavities back.

    I'm going to attempt to pull on my big-girl panties and suck it up. *sigh
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  • Don't go.  Let me tell you a story about myself.  Almost 5 years ago now I was having a lot of tooth pain.  I didn't have a dentist.  I made an appointment with a dental chain.  I had to get a root canal.  The dentist was a crack pot who gave me some heavy duty antibiotics that I didn't need.  This caused me to get c diff which is a bad stomach ailment.  I actually had to go to the ER and get fluids, then different antibiotics to get rid of that.  Even now I still have a senstive stomach, and for the first two years or so after the c diff I had a TON of stomach issues.  I had to keep going back to the crappy dentist to "fix" things.  Eventually one day the guy was no longer there, the lights were off and the place was about cleared out.  LAter I found out there were all kinds of complaints against the guy with people pursuing legal action.  Luckily for me this was only a few months after I had gone to him originally.  Now I have a fantastic dentist who I trust completely and is amazing.  I know this is a very extreme story, but your teeth are not something to mess with.  Find someone you can trust.  Don't go to that jerk anymore.  
  • I've worked in the dental field for over 20 years and this guy sounds like he needs to take some continuing education courses on patient care!  Because of the time constraints you have with travel, I don't recommend not having things looked at.  However, he can give you a happy pill (Valium) to help relax you that will not affect the ability to determine your levels of sensitivity.  He just can't give you anesthetic if he needs to pinpoint when the sensitivity starts and fades away.  Did he place white fillings or silver?  If he used white (composite resin), then you may be having heightened sensitivity due to material shrinkage.  This can happen if they place all of the material at one time and then cure it until it's hard.  Composites are supposed to be layered and cured in stages and if that's not done that way, it can create the sensitivity you talk about.  If they are silver, sensitivity is usually less but can still be a problem because metal expands and shrinks with temperature.  
    Maybe start using something like Sensodyne to help at home or ask him to prescribe some home fluoride gel to apply at bedtime, have him check your bite again to make sure you are not hitting an area harder than anywhere else.  If you chipped the filling, that could be makingt things much worse with pain for you.  You may need to have the fillings removed and replaced but, I truly wouldn't let this guy do that for you.  If there is ANY way to wait it out until after your vacation, that would be my recommendation.  Having said all of that, dental pain can be some of the worst so if you can't hold out, that's completely understandable.  
    I am so sorry you are dealing with this...I hope it gets better really soon for you.  Sending you Knottie vibes for a good appointment on Wednesday!
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: WWYD - Dentist ? -Long-</a>:
    [QUOTE]I've worked in the dental field for over 20 years and this guy sounds like he needs to take some continuing education courses on patient care!  Because of the time constraints you have with travel, I don't recommend not having things looked at.  However, he can give you a happy pill (Valium) to help relax you that will not affect the ability to determine your levels of sensitivity.  He just can't give you anesthetic if he needs to pinpoint when the sensitivity starts and fades away.  Did he place white fillings or silver?  If he used white (composite resin), then you may be having heightened sensitivity due to material shrinkage.  This can happen if they place all of the material at one time and then cure it until it's hard.  Composites are supposed to be layered and cured in stages and if that's not done that way, it can create the sensitivity you talk about.  If they are silver, sensitivity is usually less but can still be a problem because metal expands and shrinks with temperature.   Maybe start using something like Sensodyne to help at home or ask him to prescribe some home fluoride gel to apply at bedtime, have him check your bite again to make sure you are not hitting an area harder than anywhere else.  If you chipped the filling, that could be makingt things much worse with pain for you.  You may need to have the fillings removed and replaced but, I truly wouldn't let this guy do that for you.  If there is ANY way to wait it out until after your vacation, that would be my recommendation.  Having said all of that, dental pain can be some of the worst so if you can't hold out, that's completely understandable.   I am so sorry you are dealing with this...I hope it gets better really soon for you.  Sending you Knottie vibes for a good appointment on Wednesday!
    Posted by classykat22[/QUOTE]

    They are the Composite Resin ones (colored to match my teeth). They're on my back two teeth on the top row (same side). He also did it all at once. He did painted or whatever on one tooth and then used the blue light to harden it, and then did the second tooth the same way.

    He's checked my bite before and the last time I went his expression to what it looked like was 'AHHH HAAA!' because he thought he'd found the major issue and fixed the problem.

    My other concern about getting it 'fixed' now is that usually it takes about a week for me to have less pain. However each time he's 'fixed' it before, things get better for about a week and then go back to being painful. It is overall better than when he originally put the fillings in (these things still bring me to tears at least every other day, however before it was every day and I could barely drink anything).

    I'm also using sensodyne. It's what I've been using for about a year now and I really like it, however it's not helping too much right now.
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  • Sounds like you may have some slight shrinkage with the composite but if it's slowly getting better, that's a good sign.  :)  Sometimes these things can take longer than expected to calm down.  It would be terrible if you had something done and things felt better and then you leave for vacation and it turn bad again.  The fluoride gel might be another good option.  I truly hope it continues to improve so things are better by the time you leave.  
  • In Response to <a href="">Re: WWYD - Dentist ? -Long-</a>:
    [QUOTE]Nope. <strong>Apparently he needs to be able to see where it hurts in order to fix it.</strong> Which means he needs to see my facial responses to know where the cold air or whatever tool he's using is hitting. It sucks, a lot. I wish I could get a chill pill or something, because at this point, since I've now been through it a couple times, I'm already anticipating the pain, but I'm trying really hard not to.
    Posted by NcsuPsych[/QUOTE]

    <div>DUDE WTF. I am so pissed at your dentist right now, it's called a frigging xray dr dipshiit. 1) the fillings should not have needed to be fixe 2-3 times. 2) if a filling came out and the dentist still wouldn't see you that's BS (an exposed cavity can lead to nerve damage) 3) any other dentist would use his experise and an xray to locate the cavity and determine the proper method to put in the filling, you shouldn't feel like you just went 9 rounds with mike tyson after a flipping cavity. </div><div>
    </div><div>You really should not go see this guy ever again, do you have ANY other options dentist wise? even as an emergency? </div>
  • At this point, I would be wanting them fixed for no extra charge, because small cavities shouldn't take this much to get them filled.  I've had major cavities filled that were less trouble than that!

    And I call BS on not giving you pain killers or novicane where he's poking around.  Granted, I'm terrified of the dentist to the point of needing actual anisthesia and be knocked out for anything above a simple cleaning, so it did take a couple of visits to fix everything, but they were able to do it without my input. 

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