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I don't know how to delete

How do I delete a post?
Lindsey D. marrying love of my life 7.8.2013. Baby #1 on the way mid-October! (:

Re: I don't know how to delete

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    Why would you DD? FYI, it is frowned upon around here to delete a post after people took time to answer your questions.

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    I mean, if you really want to delete something, you can 'edit' your posts. However, if you've already been quoted, it makes no sense to do that, because people can still see what you wrote. Also, as PP stated, it's looked down upon to DD a post when others have taken the time to respond.
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    I accidently posted the board I just posted twice almost and I erased the content and put that to see if anyone knew how to delete this extra discussion I didn't mean to post. 
    I don't wanna delete the post I made earlier, just this one. Lol. 
    Lindsey D. marrying love of my life 7.8.2013. Baby #1 on the way mid-October! (:
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    In Response to <a href="">Re:I don't know how to delete</a>:
    [QUOTE]Ah, got it. I wouldn't worry about it. The Knot IT is pretty wonky, so double posts happen sometimes. No big deal. :D
    Posted by StageManager14[/QUOTE]

    Stage is wise :)
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