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Beverages at the wedding

So, my fiance and I are doing everything on a tight budget. The caterer does not provide real flatware, dishes, etc. It's all plastic. Would it be tacky to only have plastic cups during the reception?

Re: Beverages at the wedding

  • It would seem tacky to me. Where is your ceremony and reception? Is it an informal setting? 
  • Wait. I am confused. They don't provide those items and you only want to provide plastic cups?

    My reception is a laid back semi formal bbq with all plastic from start to finish...It's also a buffet so it made more sense.

    If you are going to do plastic do it ALL THE WAY and do it nice.
    Nichole Tampa, FL BabyFetus Ticker
  • Maybe Red Solos wouldn't be the best choice, but I have never had a nonplastic glass at a wedding.
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • I would think if you're having a laid back non-formal wedding and everything else was plastic, you could get away with it as long as it's good plastic (read: no red solo cups).   Party City has some pretty nice plastic glasses (champagne, wine, etc) that are decent quality and pretty decently priced if you're on a budget.

    I think it all depends on your wedding style though.  
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  • Like others said, if everything is going to be plastic then it's not a big deal.  They have short clear cups at Sam's/Costco that would probably be perfect.  Agreed on the no red Solo cup.

  • haha. I definitely wouldn't want red solo cups at my reception. Well, my wedding isn't a black tie affair by any means but I still want it to be fairly nice. The place it is set in is kind of rustic looking with wood beams and a big stone fireplace. If I do plastic, I want the nice stuff. I have a sams membership and saw some nice plates and such online, I just couldn't find the right type of plastic cup. Should I use the fancy plastic wine glasses or do you think that a plain cup like this would be good...

    I know there are a bunch of colors. I would more than likely get the clear. Red and gray are my colors, but clear would work just fine.

    I appreciate the feedback. My fiance's dream wedding is a pig roast in our back yard...I know I have no chance of getting my dream wedding, but I would like to try for something close to it. I also want to prove to people that it is possible to do a $5,000 budget and still have nice things!
  • I might just have Mardi Gras on the brain, but you can get custom go-cups made and they can double as your favor!

  •  Should I use the fancy plastic wine glasses or do you think that a plain cup like this would be good...

    I think the plain plastic cups are fine. I also thought you meant the red solo cups.

    Nola's idea for favors looks like a good idea.
  • I agree, I love the cup idea. I mean, I know typically favors with names/dates get thrown away, but I'm one of those who saves actual cups (i.e. not paper/disposable plastic) from anywhere and uses them, so I'd definitely save a cup from a wedding, granted it's one of those at the top, not just the disposable plastic ones. However, I like the idea of personalizing the disposable plastic ones, too, but not using them as favors.

    I hope I make sense.
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