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Come Play You know it is going to be a crappy day when......

You start your day at the office yelling at someone "Did you seriously just microwave sauerkraut for breakfast?!?!?!?!?!?"

Same as last time.  Post your "You know it's going to be a crappy day when...." and then ask the person who posted last a question.
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Re: Come Play You know it is going to be a crappy day when......

  • You know it's going to be a crappy day when before you even walk out of the house realize you're forgetting something.

    GLB-Any plans tonight?
  • When you wake up in the worst sleeping position ever and you know you're going to spend the day with a crick in your neck. BrittWhat's your weirdest quirk?
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:df01c2b6-5737-4183-9510-1a02cc8a40e3Post:4af525d2-73ab-4c97-983c-aa86c509f811">Re: You know it is going to be a crappy day when......</a>:
    [QUOTE] GLB-Any plans tonight?
    Posted by brittany634[/QUOTE]

    DH and I are going to a Cuban restaurant and gorging ourselves on Paella. 
    We got our kitchen countertops installed today and I can't wait to see how they look.  Other than these two things, it is going to be nothing but sleeping.  Opposing Counsel had me so riled up yesterday that I only got 3 1/2 hours of sleep last night.

    Ali - if your DH were to surprise you with a bouquet of flowers, what kind (or mix) would you want them to be?
    Proud to be an old married hag!! image
  • That's hard, I am such a sucker for flowers! I love a simple bouquet of white roses mixed with baby's breath or something else white. GLB: What color schemes do you have going in your house?
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  • ...when you wake up at five and the clothes you left in the dryer overnight are STILL wet, even though you left them on the highest setting because you know your stupid dryer sucks. Ali, what's your favorite movie?
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  • edited October 2012
    GLB: What color schemes do you have going in your house?

    Builder's white.  No joke.  DH bought the place before I moved here intending to remodel and he thinks it will sell if the walls are white so the next buyer can paint whatever color they want  Right now it looks good with the blue carpeting.  I have creams, browns and beiges in my bathroom and the kitchen will have almost silvery blue-grey walls.

    Steph - What band would you drive for hours to go see?
    Proud to be an old married hag!! image
  • GLB, I would definitely drive hours to see Grouplove. H and I saw them in this tiny little club in NYC in August, and it was one of my favorite shows EVER. Also Amy Winehouse before she died. Back to GLB, what's your favorite thing about being a lawyer?
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  • wake up by trying to answer your alarm and not understanding why there is no one talking to you. GLB: Last book you read? Would you recommend it?
    I french with my man
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:df01c2b6-5737-4183-9510-1a02cc8a40e3Post:38a1317a-1f6f-4b43-b2c6-c29b8a393141">Re:You know it is going to be a crappy day when......</a>:
    [QUOTE]When you wake up in the worst sleeping position ever and you know you're going to spend the day with a crick in your neck. BrittWhat's your weirdest quirk?
    Posted by Ali092011[/QUOTE]

    Weirdest Quirk- probably my have to have every cabinent/drawer closed at all times or the world is going to end. :)

    Steph- Where did you and FI/H meet?
  • edited October 2012
    In Response to Re:Come Play You know it is going to be a crappy day wake up by trying to answer your alarm and not understanding why there is no one talking to you. GLB: Last book you read? Would you recommend it? Posted by peekaboo2011 I am horning in on your Q to GLB, because I just finished a good book, Level 2 by Lenore Appelhans. It's YA of the "Hunger Games" ilk, only Lenore actually knows how to write. If you like that genre, I would highly recommend it. ETA for Peek. In your dream universe, where would you want to live and why?
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  • And Britt, we met on one of the free online dating websites.
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  • In Response to <a href=" BoardsForum:14Discussion:df01c2b6-5737-4183-9510-1a02cc8a40e3Post:0d5934c8-4771-4b23-adf4-5311a5e4bbdf">Re:Come Play You know it is going to be a crappy day when......</a>:
    [QUOTE]And Britt, we met on one of the free online dating websites.
    Posted by StephBeanWed61502[/QUOTE]

    Us too!

    Favorite movie of all time?
  • ...when you oversleep on the day of your monthly company all-hands meeting. I still got to work with 1 minute to spare, but I missed out on the free breakfast.

    StephBean, your sig pic is ridiculously adorable-it makes me smile every time I see it. What is your favorite creature in the animal kingdom? Your least favorite?

  • Back to GLB, what's your favorite thing about being a lawyer?
    You mean aside from getting paid to argue and working in a field where nobody bats an eye at F-bombs being dropped?

    GLB: Last book you read? Would you recommend it?
    Last books I read were the Hunger Games Trilogy and I did like them.  I was kind of rolling my eyes at the whole Mockingjay thing in the third one but overall, I thought they were really good.
    Right now I'm reading "Catherine the Great, Portrai of a Woman" by Robert Massie and "Our Last Best Chance: A Story of War and Peace" by King Abdullah II of Jordan.  I also recommend both of these and they are hard to put down.

    Brittany - where was your first kiss and where was your first kiss with your DH/FI?
    Proud to be an old married hag!! image
  • peekaboo2011peekaboo2011 member
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments 250 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited October 2012
    In Response to Re:Come Play You know it is going to be a crappy day when......:In Response to Re:Come Play You know it is going to be a crappy day wake up by trying to answer your alarm and not understanding why there is no one talking to you. GLB: Last book you read? Would you recommend it? Posted by peekaboo2011 I am horning in on your Q to GLB, because I just finished a good book, Level 2 by Lenore Appelhans. It's YA of the "Hunger Games" ilk, only Lenore actually knows how to write. If you like that genre, I would highly recommend it. ETA for Peek. In your dream universe, where would you want to live and why? Posted by StephBeanWed61502 Ooh, I actually have a dream listing. It's a 10.5 million pounds estate in the British countryside. I loved living in Europe, and I could definitely picture myself throwing fancy parties in one of those houses. ETA for GLB: what is the one thing you're most afraid of?
    I french with my man
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • To Britt, my favorite movies are Office Space and Dogma. I have watched them dozens of times and they still crack me up. To Court, I love dogs, especially little ones. I grew up with the coolest Yorkie ever, so I think that's why. My least favorite is any kind of insect. They all give me the heebie jeebies, even the "pretty" ones like butterflies. For Peek again, if you have a pet, what's its name? If you don't have one, what would you want and what would you name it?
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  • peekaboo2011peekaboo2011 member
    Knottie Warrior 5000 Comments 250 Love Its Name Dropper
    edited October 2012
    I don't have my own, yet. My parents have three dogs two toy poodles named Crazy Bout You and Peaches and Cream, and a yorkie named Zea. BF and I have talked about getting an English bulldog next year, assuming we move in together, and naming him Rooney. Steph: what was your favorite bit about your wedding? Marrying your H aside ;
    I french with my man
    Daisypath Anniversary tickers
  • You know it's going to be a crappy day when you dream that you're running late only to wake up way before you have to. Steph if you had only one day to live what would you do?
    Wedding Countdown Ticker
  • Steph, my favorite movie is The History Boys. I saw it in the local indie theater with my mom and when it ended, we just sat there dumbfounded until my mom muttered, "That was the best movie I've ever seen." Steph, what song did you and your H dance to at your wedding?
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  • edited October 2012
    GLB: what is the one thing you're most afraid of?

    Snakes.  Hands down.  I can't even look at pictures of them. Really any reptile.  I once went from sitting on the couch to leaping over the coffee table when a cousin's lizard made a jump in my direction.  Nobody in the room knew it was humanly possible to do that without first getting up.  Adrenaline.  It's a funny thing.

    Ali - What is your occupation and if you could be anything else, what would it be?
    Proud to be an old married hag!! image
  • Glb- first kiss was on the playground in 3rd grade lol First kiss with FI was on my front porch one night lol Glb- hobbies?
  • edited October 2012
    Peek, my favorite part of my wedding was at the end. We used ACDC's "Shook Me All Night Long" as the last dance, and an impromptu conga line broke out during it. It was hilarious and awesome. Sam, if I had only one day left to live I would want to relive my wedding day. I know it sounds cheesy, but it was definitely the best day of my life so far. Ali, H and I danced to the Broadway cast version of Green Day's "Last Night on Earth." To GLB, where does your TK screenname come from?
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  • Ali092011Ali092011 member
    1000 Comments Second Anniversary 5 Love Its
    edited October 2012
    GLB, I am a pharmacy technician and a Pharmacy Tech Certification Board instructor. I love my job, but I have my eye on the job of the District Technician Training Coordinator. He mentioned he was looking to move up and so am I. Hopefully in the next few years! Britt, what do you do when you're having a bad day that gets you in a better mood?
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  • Glb- hobbies?
    Cooking.  I love trying out new recipes.  I also like reading and working in my garden.  I sound like a 1950s housewife.

    Brittany: What was your worst date ever?

    And with that, I am out of here.  Have a great weekend ladies if I don't check back in when I get home.
    Proud to be an old married hag!! image
  • Okay, two more.

    To GLB, where does your GM screenname come from?
    Knot Annie had it out for the regs on the WP board (we ended up leaving and a few came back, some like me under new SNs).  She actually told us to end all of our posts with something like "Good Luck."  14 is the made up wedding year on the new account.

    GLB, what do you do when you're having a bad day that gets you in a better mood?
    I curl up next to DH.  Sounds corny but it works.

    Steph: What was the most trouble you ever got into as a kid?

    Ali: What is your dream date with your DH?
    Proud to be an old married hag!! image
  • My dream date would involve a picnic on the beach. We'd share some wine or champagne and watch the sun set. And there would be fireworks that night and we'd drink more wine and watch them. To the next person who comes along: What trait do you most admire in another human being?
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  • Okay, last set of answers for me and then I am out of here. I am moving this weekend and need to get packing! Ali, the trait I most admire in others is patience, because it's the area where I am most lacking myself. GLB, I was an absurdly well behaved kid. The most trouble I ever got in was when I ran out from behind the ice cream truck without looking both ways first. I almost got hit by a car, and my mom lost her schit on me and sent me to my room.
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  • You know it is going to be a crappy day when...   your pitbull, who won't stop eating poo, vomits liquid shiitt at 5am.

    I don't have anyone to ask a question... cuz, Steph said she was bouncing !
  • U come online an see Bri all emo Cmg who is ur fav notti?
    Live life like its your last day!
  • What is this weird obsession you have with Brittany being "emo"?
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