My soon to be mother in law HATES ME, Me and my fiance have been together for 2.5 years, we have been engaged for a year and we own a house together. My fiance was married before me and has a 5yr old son. We are getting married next month (3/17/2012)and his mother and father just told us yesterday that they are not attending the wedding. They have not paid a dime for anything or attended any showers or parties related to the wedding either. His mother has made it clear that she likes his ex-wife more than me and will always hope they get back together. They have excluded me from everything including CHRISTMAS at their home. My fiance is very supportive of me and thinks his parents are NUTS for not supporting our marriage. Im really worried this is goin to cause a strain on our marriage in the future when we have children considering i will now have a step son next month and she is his grandmother. She has made it very clear that if I am involved in her sons life that she wants nothing to do with either of us, his father is just along for the ride and is going along with his wife on everything! I have no idea what to do or if I should even try to repair the relationship that was never even built because she wouldnt give me a chance, over the last two years she has only seen me 3 times becuase she wont allow me to come over or attend gatherings. Me and my Fiance have lived in our new home for a year, which is 5min from her house and she has not come over so see it even though we have invited her.. SOMEONE PLEASE HELP!