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Monday Weddings

Is a Monday wedding "weird'? My fiance and I plan to get married on our dating anniversary, as cheesy as that sounds lol. But it happens to fall on a Monday. The wedding is 14 months away, this should be enough time for my guests right?
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Re: Monday Weddings

  • Your wedding date will be important because it's the day you get married.  If getting married on that particular day is worth having people you really want there decline, then go for it. 

    We considered a Monday wedding for cost purposes, but my MOH couldn't commit, so we went with Friday.  We also considered a weekday for our AHR because a lot of our friends work at a place where weekdays are easier to get as a day off, but ultimately decided that the ones who are still there have enough seniority to be able to get a Sunday, and we didn't want to exclude people with more normal jobs.

    No one can tell you that you absolutely can't do this.  But unless you're positive that every single person you want to invite will be able and willing to take the time off for you, it's not a very good idea.
    This is a neglected planning bio.
    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
  • I understand that anniversaries are important... but what about your anniversary of being engaged?  Does that fall on a weekend?  Just a thought...
  • Honestly, is it really so bad to have two different days to celebrate your relationship?  FI will still probably continue to buy me roses on our dating anniversary in December because he's a sap, and we'll also observe our wedding anniversary in April.  True, most people stop celebrating their dating anniversary once they get married, but you don't have to if it's an important day to you.
    This is a neglected planning bio.
    This is a belated married bio, with no reviews yet because I'm lazy.

    Sometimes I feel like people think that brides are delicate little flower princesses who get all dressed up and pretty for one special moment of their dreams, when really they're just normal people who just happen to be getting married. Things shouldn't have to be sugar-coated for grown-ass women. -mstar284
  • A monday wedding is a fabulous idea! I'm doing the exact same thing for my own event in October. Since many of the people would be coming in from out of town, they would have to take one or two days off regardless. We just decided to save ourselves about 7 grand (on the reception venue alone!) to have our long weekend celebration with family and friends the opposite way. A monday wedding isn't weird, it can be genuis depending on your guests. Consider: how many live close by? How many will be traveling in from out of state/town? How many would have to take off work only if it was a monday wedding and would they be able to? And, finally, is money an issue?
    I can say from experience, we cut the overall cost of our wedding in half by moving it a day over. The difference between a sunday/monday wedding?
    Reception venue fee
    2000 for sunday/waived on monday
    Reception dinner
    95 minimum per person on sunday/ 85 for the exclusive package on monday
    1200 on sunday/ 790 on monday
    1000 on sunday/ 750 on monday

    etc. etc.
    But, most importantly, it is your day. If that day is special to you, go for it! The most important people will always find a way to be there. Have fun with your monday wedding!
  • A Monday wedding might cut your costs in half, but it's going to cut your attendance way more than half.  If you don't mind not having important people there, sure, have it on a Monday.  But I agree with aerin, your wedding date will be significant after you get married because it's the day you got married.  That anniversary is way more important than your dating anniversary, IMO.  If I were you I'd have a weekend wedding.
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  • you know weekends are great and everything but being someone who works crazy shifts (im a nurse)...everyday you have to work is a pain in the ass to get off...monday or sat or whatever if your seniority isnt crazy unless everyone you know if a monday to friday-er go with what works for you two. As long as its in the evening wouldnt everyone be able to make it for the most part unless u have lot of out of towners, even if they have Monday to Friday jobs?? If you want to party into the night just realize that isnt going to happen but if you pref a dinner time event then you'll be saving a hell of alot on booze lol :P...just a thought. :)
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  • I just don't get inconveniencing many of your friends and family because of a random date on a calendar.  Get married on a more convenient day, and then you'll have two special days:  your dating anniversary, and your wedding anniversary.

    Personally, I find insisting on a Monday wedding for a dating anniversary to be quite reminiscent of 16 year olds who have "monthly" anniversary celebrations.
    "Trix, it's what they/our parents wanted. Why so judgemental? And why is your wedding date over a year and a half ago? And why do you not have a groom's name? And why have you posted over 12,000 posts? And why do you always say mean things to brides?" palegirl146
  • my FI and I had considered getting married on the anniversary of our first date (it does fall on a Saturday this year), however it is August 28th and I have many teachers in my family (and am a teacher myself).  As soon as I thought about what an inconvenience that would be for everyone involved as the new school year would have just began we quickly moved it a few weeks sooner.  I have been to a few weddings where the time/day of the week has been a huge inconvenience, I definately did not want to do that to my guests.  Now FI and I will have our wedding anniversary and a few weeks later we will have our dating anniversary.  I am sure we will probably quit celebrating our dating anniversary after another year or so anyways.....
  • Your anniversary will be your wedding date. Monday will be hard for a lot of people, OOT guests would have to take 2 days off of work. Is a date really more important than having your family and friends there to celebrate your 'new' special date?
  • This is really a small ceremony with 30 or so people and I am on a major budget.
    My Bio!
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  • I can totally get how your date is important to you.  My FI and I are working it to where the date is pretty close to "the day we met"  7/18.  Neither next year, nor the following did it fall like we needed/wanted (on a weekend day) and this year was just too soon, financially and what not. So, we pulled out the calander and figured 2 days within on a Saturday was perfect.  Believe it or not, I happen to work Saturdays, and Sundays, so I understand as well about having to ask for time off (in my office, I'm the only one there those days! - So to me, a weekend thing is just something I miss out on quite a bit.but I'm lucky enough to have such a flexible boss, that if it's really important, she'll work with me. I've rarely  had her say no!  I've had to trade days, and swap out, but we've worked it out.) 

    My advice to you is this... you set it to where you want it.  You know what's important to you.  Be guest concious, be aware that there will be those who can come and those who cannot. No one can please everyone.  But you can try to do most.  The way I figure it, no matter what day you set it on, there will be people that won't/can't come for whatever reason.  Just be willing to accept that some may be more important  to you  than others (like your parents, vs. the cousin) so talk to those who are most important to you to get a feel.  Ultimately, it's up to you.
  • I get it, I really do. Once you said it's only 30 people, then I say do it. That means its immediately family and close friends only. If your budget is really tight then you probably aren't having a lengthy and big reception, so I think it'll be OK.

    FI and I started dating on April 23 2004. We broke up in Jan 2008. We were apart for roughly eight months, getting back together August 200. So we didn't know how to calculate our time together because we dated other people while broken up.

    We wanted to get married on the 23 of some month this year, in the summer but it didnt' work out. We just wanted "our day" back. But then we realized that this is going to be even more special. We'll get married July 3rd and celelbrate that every year and enjoy it as a married couple. There will be no breaks and no question of our anniversary and we'll enjoy the fourth of July that much more every year. :)
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  • If that exact date is so important to you, then just wait another 4 or so years until it ends up on a Friday. Friday weddings are also cheaper.
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