I'm wondering if anyone has made alterations like this to their wedding dress, how it turned out, and what the cost was. I ordered mine (Allure 8619) a few weeks ago with a custom sweetheart neckline (the neckline of 8386). It won't be in until January or February, but I have decided that something is missing from the dress I ordered: extra pick-ups and a less "bubbly" hem.If you look at 8619, the back bubble hem is a lot more subtle than the front. I like that, and want the same on the front.I also want a little more volume on the skirt and I think that having the seamstress add a few more pick-ups would do the trick.Is this going to run me dry as far as the cost? I am clueless, but have an inkling I'm going to have to fork out hundreds of dollars for these changes...