New Hampshire

Plans for the Week

Lets hear them!
April 2010 January SC - Favorite Picture from the Holidays
DH & I at the Light Festival



Re: Plans for the Week

  • FireDancer04FireDancer04 member
    Fifth Anniversary 1000 Comments
    edited December 2011
    WR: Sign my contract for my DOC as soon as I get that from her
    NWR: Continue the hunt for the perfect new apt. Find a gym buddy so I can stop being so lazy.
  • edited December 2011
    WR-start trying to decide on an invite--this seems harder than the dress!
         -book wedding night hotel room

    NWR-go to the gym at least 4 times.
            -remember to pay my bills!
  • dls.1215dls.1215 member
    Fifth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Final payments to photographer, Dj, and limo! (EEK!)
    Mail deposit and contract to DOC
    Pull summer clothes/bathing suits out of storage and wash! (Yay Bahamas!)
    Start place cards!
    Wait for 35 people to respond by Wed
    Finish BM/GM gifts
    Work on menus
    Start printing programs
    Bridal shower on Sunday!!
    Practice dancing (working on our ending!)
    Send final epic picks to photographer for guestbook
    Decorate candy buffet
    Finish prop basket for photobooth

    Get better! I came down with a cold and feel pretty miserable right now Embarassed
    April 2010 January SC - Favorite Picture from the Holidays
    DH & I at the Light Festival


  • ericcaahericcaah member
    edited December 2011
    -finish programs (printed and assembled 25 yesterday.. only about 150 to go!)
    -call stragglers on Thursday to get a response from them
    -begin the seating chart this weekend
    -hair & make-up trial on Saturday
    -type out readings and get them to our readers so they can practice
    -finish day-of timeline
    -email day-of timeline & must take shots to photographer
    -fill in missing information for DJ & our Deacon
    -materials to make pew bows should arrive in the mail today... start making those when they arrive
    -set up nail appointments for the bridal party for the day before the wedding
    -practice dancing

    -date night with FI tonight :)
    -meeting a girlfriend for drinks Tuesday night
    -Bruins game Thursday night (although I'm embarassed to be a season ticket holder at this point because they're playing so terribly! ugh)
    -going to a wedding on Saturday
    -going to see the Harlem Globetrotters Sunday (FI surprised me with tickets! I've always wanted to see them!)
    -this weekend was supposed to be my bachelorette, but the girls moved it to April 10.

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • edited December 2011
    WR:  Book our honeymoon, for real.  FI's tax money should be in this week!

    NWR:  Working out...a lot.  Gotta make that dress fit.

    Feel better DLS!
    Anniversary Buying A Home
  • Starfish724Starfish724 member
    edited December 2011
    WR: Book hotel for our Boston honeymoon
           Set up a time/date to get together with the girls to put together invites
           Finish purchasing gifts for the girls
           Buy shoes for the girls
           Find camera cord so I can show off the pics of my wedding gown

    NWR: My son turns 2 on Wednesday!!!
              Start my mid-term
  • edited December 2011
    WR:  Looking at a few places in Newton

    NWR:  Finally going to be able to visit my best friend on Wed!!!  I'm going to try out some updo's in her hair after I give here extensions.  So its partly work and play.Cool

    If my hair color I ordered comes in this week I'll have some sick new high lights and low lights by the end of the week.

    Book a hotel for our 3 year anniversary.
  • edited December 2011
    WR- Book transportation
    - look at swatches for invites and decide what I want to do for invites

    NWR - heading to VT for the weekend with FI for a mini getaway/birthday celebration for the two of us
    BabyFruit Ticker
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