New Hampshire

Limo Help- Color me Confused?

Okay, so I can honestly say I have no idea how the whole limo thing works.  Initially, I was going to just get ONE limo and have it transport my father and myself to the church, then FI (well, Hubbie at that point) to the reception.  The WP was going to just use their own transportation as it was the most cost efficient way I could think of.  FI is still keen on this idea.

My mother has a different idea.  She wants me to get both a limo AND a party bus.  The idea is that the bus would get the groom's men and bring them to the church, then the bridesmaids and bring them to the church.  The limo would be for my father and myself to take to the church.

Then, the limo would be for FI (then Hubbie) to take to the reception and then the whole WP would go on the party bus. 

Mom likes the latter idea, but I'm not sold.  Seriously $1k on transportation seems like a waste.

Any other ideas/solutions/suggestions?
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Re: Limo Help- Color me Confused?

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    edited December 2011
    Most of my guests and WP preferred to take their own transportation.  They all had dates with them and our bus was underused (my hotel/ ceremony and reception were all close to on another)
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    edited December 2011
    You are correct the most cost effective way is to provide transportation for you and dad to the church then for your husband and you to the reception. However if you are on any time restraint, meaning stopping for photos or that you have a short amount of time for photos. It also is nice to be able to provide transportation for the bridal party. The biggest reason is that you are controlling the timeline and will not have to wait or wonder if and when the bridal party will show up (including the groom and his groomsmen arriving to the church). Unfortunately someone always forgets something, whether gas, cigs, film etc. If they drive themselves they will stop but if you have transportation they cannot stop. The downfall about providing transportation is that if any of your bridal party dosen't have dates they now have to factor in the transportation to get them home. So if they drive themselves they are all set. Unless they drop off their vehicles earlier in the day or if you provide transportation for after the reception.

    I hope this helps!!
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    rachael898rachael898 member
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    edited December 2011
    We got a limo big enough for just the wedding party.  Since you get a limo for 3 hours we are having the limo get the guys, bring them to the chapel, get the girls, bring them to the chapel then bring everyone to the reception.  We are going to have rides to the hotel or people will drop off a car the night before.  Alcott Limos out of Londonderry, NH is only $299 for a  10 person limo for the 3 hours and it includes tip!  This is by far the best deal we have found.  I will give reviews after our wedding.  32 days!!!
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    edited December 2011
    We are only doing one, my dad, and bridesmaids on the way there.  Then my fiance and I to the reception.  Everyone was ok with it.  We are using Black Tie out of Haverhill MA for our southern NH wedding.  They are great
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