Attire & Accessories Forum

Matching a Veil with a Dress

Hello ladies! If anyone read my older post on here know that I ended up getting the dress (!)- it's being shipped from CA to me in NY this week from a salon out there. Super excited!

My question now is... veils. I've only ever tried on one, and all I know is that I don't want a ridiculously long one (is it called cathedral?) and that I want the part that covers your face and can be lifted (would that mean two tiered or is that called a blusher?). Do certain veils look better with a cartain type of dress than others? I was looking on etsy and there are so many to choose from- I guess I need some outside opinions on what would look good with my dress type. It's Allure 8900. Any suggestions for veils would be really appreciated! Thank you!

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Re: Matching a Veil with a Dress

  • Your dress is gorgeous!  Since there is quite a bit of lace going on I would suggest something a bit mor simple when in come to your veil.

    If you would like the veil to cover your face you can either get a two tiered veil or a one tiered veil and then add a blusher.  I would say that if you were planning on wearing your veil the entire time through the reception I would suggest a one tiered veil and an added blusher.  This way you can remove the blusher portion and then still have a very simple but not over powering veil on.  If you plan on removing the veil comletely then a two tiered veil would be a good option.

    I am thinking a great length for your dress would be a fingertip veil.  You could get one with lace trim (make sure the lace goes well with the lace in your dress) but I also think a very simple raw edge veil would be pretty as well so it doesn't compete too much with your dress.

  • I would recommend a plain or ribbon edged, elbow length veil with blusher since your dress has so much gorgeous lace-you want to keep it simple 
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  • Your dress is amazing! Agree with PP, a simpler veil would be better as to not compete with your dress. I recommend checking craft stores in your area, they sell simple veils (Wilton brand, I think?) for a LOT less than buying one somewhere else.
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  • Thank you SO much ladies!! I felt so clueless about a veil- now I feel like I know where to start. The suggestions were very helpful!!
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