New Hampshire

Dear FI/DH...

Re: Dear FI/DH...

  • edited December 2011
    Dear DH,

    When I left the house at 5:45 last night I kept the porch light on for you so you would have no problem unlocking the house. Why was the porch light off when I got home at 9:00 and you were out? LAME!

    Also - you will not DIE if we use condoms. "I would rather not have sex than have sex using a condom" is a dumb excuse.

    Only 1 1/2 more weeks on the pill. Suck it up!

    I love you,
  • ericcaahericcaah member
    edited December 2011

    Dear FI,

    Thank you for being YOU. I know I've been out of control stressed lately with my new job, thinking about money and buying a house, and our basement flooding, and all the tiny wedding details left to tackle, but you've been so supportive and understanding. It meant the WORLD to me last night when you said "none of these little details are really important, because all that matters is that I'm marrying you." I needed to hear that. I think I fell in love with you all over again.

    Your Very-Soon-to-be Wife

    BabyFruit Ticker
  • Starfish724Starfish724 member
    edited December 2011
    Dear FI,

    Stop being such a baby. You had specific orders from the doctor on what to do about your back, but still you didn't follow through. I don't want to hear about how much it hurts until you actually start taking care of yourself. If it still hurts then, let me know.

    Also, it's supposed to be a nice weekend. That means you get to go outside and clean up all of the crap you left on our front lawn when you were trying to fix the plow truck. I'm sick of it looking like we live in a dump.

    (your rather cranky) Future Wifey
  • edited December 2011
    Dear FI,

    Thank you for agreeing to write a letter to the NY times for me in protest of that horrendus rabbit killing seminar article. I would sound like a babbling idiot if i tried to do it on my own.

    and also thanks for cleaning the litter boxes for me last night <3


  • EDK2010EDK2010 member
    edited December 2011
    Dear Fi,

    Thanks for putting up with me through the craziness of the last few weeks, we are so close! Can't wait for our Honeymoon when we will finally be able to relax!

    Your Soon To Be Wifey
    TTC #1 Since July 2011
    BFP #1 2/28/12- 3/3/12 CP at 4w3d
    BFP #2 4/1/12- 5/7/12 Missed M/C at 8w4d (measuring 6w3d)
    TTC on hold until December
  • edited December 2011
    Dear FI,

    Clean the f*^%($# house! 

    Love you,
  • edited December 2011
    Dear FI,

    PLEASE start looking at houses with me or stop lying that we're moving within a year I can't take it anymore.  You are supposed to get Veterans benefits with mortages FIND OUT WHAT YOU GET!

    Also you only having the next 2 saturdays totally off for a month doesn't work for me.  We need to do the food tasting but I stopped working OT on Saturdays so that I could have a freakin' break, not drive 2 hours each way to do something for 20 mins and give up even more time than I would if I worked.  Please find a way to work with me since this is one of the few things you have to do for the whole wedding.

    Finally, happy 4 year anniversary of our first date and first kiss.  I still remember that night like it was yesterday, I'm so glad you took a chance on a girlfriend when you didn't think you could fit one into your life just look at where it got you!

    I love you,
  • edited December 2011

    Dear FI,
    I am very mad at you right now. If you want to live I suggest you lay the law down with your ex-wife about child support (I will not give her a cent of my paycheck) and the fact that just because we work together doesn't mean we can change our schedule to be home at 1:50 on days that your son decides to come over after school at 1:00.  You left me to work a 13 hour day because you didn't want to call the school and say send him on the bus.  He didn't even have his house keys for god's sake.  He should not be allowed to come over on weekdays if he doesn't have his keys and if he doesn't call the night before!  Teach him how to be responsible please.....I cant to it on my own.  Please take care of this before I get home, do the laundry, file, and clean the dishes STAT instead of playing video games with little man all day and night.

  • Steffy3217Steffy3217 member
    edited December 2011
    DH -

    I know it's going to be tough having a roomate again, but he had no where else to go, and it'll be nice to have the extra bucks.

    Also thanks for being supportive of me while I try to find a job. I know we'd be secure with me taking the extra year at SNHU but I just need to get away. It's been 7 years it's time to try something else until a full time job opens up there.

    Also, if you keep sending me MLS numbers and don't act on any of them, I'm going to get angry. If you like the house, set up an appointment to see it. You're the one with the difficult schedule.
  • edited December 2011
    Dear FI,

    Thanks for being such a good sport throughout pre cana. And thanks for letting me wear my National Grammar Day shirt to poker tonight. You know the shirt totally kicks ass.

    Me, the Grammar Lover.
  • Luv2Cook27Luv2Cook27 member
    Tenth Anniversary 500 Comments
    edited December 2011
    Dear FI-

    Thank you for taking out the trash (i really wish I didn't have to ask) and also buying the stuff o make the yummy apples!


    Your Wife to Be
    Wedding Bio

  • edited December 2011
    Dear DH -
    STOP LOOKING AT NEW CARS ONLINE!  We JUST bought a new car last year!!  AND, we bought it because YOU insisted.  I have to borrow a lot of money from the wedding gift fund just to pay the bills this month, wake up to our financial reality.
    There's NO WAY in HELL I will sign any paperwork to trade in our new car for a newer and more expensive one.  Stop wasting time looking.  You're really p!ssing me off!  Be satisfied with what you have for once!
    Your very angry, and desperately broke wife. 

  • edited December 2011
    Dear FI,
    I miss you already.  Can't wait to see you next week.
    Have fun skiing this weekend.  Don't get hurt.
    Anniversary Buying A Home
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