Attire & Accessories Forum

MOG dress

My soon to be mother in law chose her dress for our wedding and she picked an almost exact replica of the bridesmaids dresses. She just choose it in a different color. Any suggestions on how to politely suggest an alternative because I'm worried how the pictures will look?

Re: MOG dress

  • Why would the pictures look bad?

    She's a grown woman, she can dress herself.  Let this one go.
  • Agree with PP's, just let this one go.  You won't even notice and I am sure that no one else will either.


  • Come to think of it, I don't think my MIL was in a single picture with my BMs, so even if it was a similar dress, you really wouldn't notice it.

    I'd just let it go, if it's a dress that she's comfortable in, then that's what's important.  Plus, it may be very similar to the BM dresses, but at least it's in a different color, she'll have different accessories, won't be carrying a bouquet, etc, so she'll still stand out as the MOG, not a BM.
  • jagore08jagore08 member
    Seventh Anniversary 5000 Comments 5 Love Its Combo Breaker
    edited January 2012
    This is not going to be worth the stress and hurt you'll cause by asking her to reselect a dress.  Let her wear the dress she likes.
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  • Show her the bridesmaids dresses so that she can see how similar they are.  She may choose to change her attire.  

    Please recognize that you do not get to tell her what to wear.  
  • Let it go.  Like a PP said, my MIL was not in a single picture with my BMs so even if she was wearing the exact same dress the pictures do no reflect that.

  • In Response to <a href="">MOG dress</a>:
    [QUOTE]My soon to be mother in law chose her dress for our wedding and she picked an almost exact replica of the bridesmaids dresses. She just choose it in a different color. Any suggestions on how to politely suggest an alternative because I'm worried how the pictures will look?
    Posted by rhuston1[/QUOTE]

    <div>I'd be more concerned that she'd be embarrassed that she is dressed like a BM (just in a different color).  Is she aware that the dress she has picked is similar to the BMs dresses?  I would show her a photo of your BM dresses to make sure she is going to be okay wearing it still.  If she is okay with that, I'd let it go.  (Both my mom and FMIL were adamant and asked several times what the BM dresses looked like to ensure that they don't look like a 7th BM!)</div>
    photo trex2_zps7ab4e9b0.jpg
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  • colstj1colstj1 member
    2500 Comments Combo Breaker
    edited January 2012
    I agree with the PP's to let this one go. I know it may bother you, but the day of and even looking back at pictures I am sure you won't care at that point. :)
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